Fuck Alberta

That was my point. The NEP expected Alberta to sell oil at a cheaper price to Canadians than what they could buy internationally. Okay, how about the reverse now that Alberta isn’t allowed to compete internationally anymore?

No kidding - I just figured you couldn’t be arsed to explain something that 99.9% dopers would doubtfully know, so - you’re welcome.
To your other point, I thought I made clear:

Sure, a little difficult to compete under those conditions.

The Canadian taxpayer bought you a pipeline already. Do you want us to buy you a refinery as well? Anything else you want the government to buy you while you bitch about socialism?

I know the Canadian figure skater Kurt Browning’s father (grandfather?) was from Oklahoma. I then heard that a lot of Albertans were Oklahoman and Texan immigrants. This was ages ago, so I can’t remember where I heard it. Is it true?

Because of the connections due to American oil company interests in Calgary, there was (is?) a lot of business travel between Texas and Alberta. This may have led to more than average immigration from oil states to Alberta. I don’t think it was significant though. Certainly not very noticeable.

2019, it looks like there were attempts by Texas to draw more Albertans to their state.

Thanks, E_P. Interesting. Kind of a synergy between the two.

Uncanny similarities between Texas and Alberta - cowboys and oil. Conservative voters in the rural areas and the big cities, except for a very liberal Capital (Austin and Edmonton).

The only big difference between Alberta and Texas is Alberta is a lot friendlier to the United States.


Also, Alberta differs from Texas since, up to this point, it has never been part of Mexico. However, I believe it is only a matter of time before this happens.

After all, I have discovered a way to turn enchiladas into gas. Unfortunately, such technical secrets cannot yet be revealed in public, and I refuse to spill the beans.

I can tell you that most people from desert dry Alberta will not like humidity around Houston.

Albertans are Canadian taxpayers. In case you’ve forgotten (or care).

Socialism? Who’s bitching about socialism? Other than you, that is.

I’ll take “posters who are too fucking stupid to understand the point for 100” Alex. The Federal Government, using funds from every taxpayer in the country bought a pipeline to plactate the Alberta whiners.

Socialism? Who’s bitching about socialism? Other than you, that is.Socialism? Who’s bitching about socialism? Other than you, that is.

Have you been to rural Alberta? Do you know anyone from there? Because I do, and the main topics of conversation are:

  1. The weather
  2. How godless socialism (created by Trudeau) is going to ruin the country
  3. How Alberta is treated soooo unfairly by everyone

Corbella - The best thing for Canada would be to shut down line 5 pipeline just for a while

What’s best for Canada is energy self-sufficiency and security, and that’s simply impossible without pipelines. Shutting down this vital energy lifeline, even temporarily, would provide a collective slap to the lives and livelihoods of Ontarians and Quebecers — along with their pandering politicians — that would help jolt them out of their anti-pipeline dreamland and into reality.

Between the hack on the Colonial pipelibe and Whitmer demanding Line 5 be shut down, the east coast of Canada and the US may be about to get the pipeline-restricted energy policy they’ve been demanding.

Let us know how you like it. i understand gas is already in short supply.

Also, it’s nice to see that the Diversity and Inclusion folks can be intolerant parochial assholes like everyone else when they find the right people to hate.

Pipelines are fine. I don’t think Upper Canadians are the ones threatening to shut it down.

Ah, there’s the classic, “Freeze in the Dark” refrain we’ve not heard for so long.

Of course, it sounded better when Alberta itself wasn’t such an economic basket case.

The absolutely fanatic hostility here is really quite something to behold. Even for the Pit this is disturbing.

This will not happen.

Well, that’s @wolfpup for you. If you’ve been paying attention to their posts, you weren’t surprised.