Fuck HOAs

This story sums up why I will never, ever move into an HOA community. In fact when I was looking for a house last year that was pretty much the one condition I was completely inflexible on.

Yep, this guy was over busting his ass in Afghanistan and these fascist dicks decide to take away his home just because he missed two HOA payments.
So much for supporting our troops.

I think there was already a thread about this on the dope. I’ll try to find it.

Found it: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=565037&highlight=dues

Here it is.
EDIT: I’m too slow.


Well sure, fuck HOAs, but…

Is the wife a puppy or something? Is she incapable of hiring a lawyer, or calling some military assistance service? Or just writing a check? The story suggests to me that he felt he had to race home to deal with it, rather than say, giving advice to his wife on the phone, and perhaps that delay cost them their home.

Maybe in a larger sense it’s a good thing it happended to these particular people. Maybe the bad press will push the legislature to reform some laws, as I’m sure this happens to ‘normal’ poor folk all the time and we never hear about it at all.

Ah, yes I do remember seeing that thread. Didn’t know it was about this particular case, though. I just heard this story on the radio today.

The other thread seems to be saying that there was likely some fraud involved.

And the way it is being explained, it seemed like the wife was just completely unable to handle it. You might call her a puppy for that, but it’s not impossible not to have any idea of what to do, and the story seems to imply that she did not get a hold of him until it was too late.

I endorse this pitting by the way. While I hope that one law will help straighten it out, I also hope the property value of that neighborhood drops. And that people will see it and try to fix the law. But I worry that having that one law will make people not care.

Seems to me the wife is more to blame than anybody. There’s no excuse for being an incompetent idiot, and I feel really bad for this National Guardsman who married her. I’m sure she’s real cute.

I would not do that HOA shit either. Of course, I don’t join anything unless I just have to, and I don’t have to do that. That’s just evil and wrong. I’d be on death row in Texas because I would blow out the brains of the HOA leader for fucking me like that.

Just reinforces my basic belief that humanity is out to screw each other, step on each other and steal from each other. Sometimes I am ashamed to be a human being. I’d rather be a dog.

Speaking as a military wife, yes there are wives out there that are this inept … they tend to be the little shrinking violet help me I am so dainty I cant deal with anything take care of me you big hunk of a man types. I met one who claimed that she didn’t know how to put gas in a car, or use an ATM card in a machine with the directions printed and in pictograph form.:dubious::rolleyes: Seems she had no trouble emptying his bank account and finding strange squids in the bars in town though.

I cant wait until the meme that helpless women are uber feminine dies a firey death.

Didn’t the other thread say that she was suffering from some kind of mental/emotional condition?

So can I just wait around the courthouse steps until someone needs to sell a home quick and then buy it up for $3500?

Seems like a good deal…

It’s easier to just judge her.

My first reaction to reading the OP was that this was some sort of bullshit story. Then I saw that it involved Texas.

It might be even easier to judge a man who, knowing his wife had a condition rendering her incompetant to care for herself in his absence, chose a career that would keep him away from home for long periods of time.

He was in the Army Reserve, which in normal times would only keep you away one weekend a month, two weeks a year. I think the story mentioned that his regular job was supervisor for a roofing company.

And that would of course assume that she was ill, or that her illness was so severely manifested at all times, which is not in evidence. It seems more likely that she sunk into a significant depression during the time that her husband was off on an extremely dangerous deployment.

I’m no lover of HOAs, but this is just incredible - that they could take the whole house for a couple of hundred bucks, and they couldn’t stop the process by just paying them. I’m not willing to let the couple off the hook, either, though - if you know you have a monthly payment to make, you make sure it’s covered, either by your wife paying it, or you paying it, or setting up a monthly automatic payment through the bank (they do have those new-fangled things in Texas, don’t they? I mean automatic payments, not banks.)

I agree that they should not be let off the hook, but what is effectively a ~ $300,000 fine for late (non) payment of a $800 bill seems a bit excessive.

To paraphrase Patty Reed, “Pay your bills, don’t take no shortcuts, hurry along as best you can and never join no HOA”.