Fuck people who call people "mouth-breathers"

I feel compelled to point out that the amoebas come from using plain tap water in the neti pot. If you use purified or distilled water, hell, even plain boiled water, your amoeba problem vanishes.

Yes, because two people had a problem with something the article itself mentions is incredibly rare, we must completely stop something.

Heck, it’s a fucking amoeba! You can kill it by boiling the water first, or filter it out with even the most basic of filters, or just use distilled water. I hate scare journalism.

I picture Cartooniverse.

I keed; I keed. :smiley:

Hey, I LIKE moving my lips when I read. Well, not when I read the interwebz, or read descriptions in video games, but when good fiction gets me engaged, I start moving my lips (and maybe mumbling a little) when I get really into it.

So my homeopathic swamp water remedy is a bad thing?

I pour three ounces of medicine into a swamp. Allow to mix for 3 years, then take out buckets of water from the clean spot 3 miles away, because surely it’s all one body of water and it remembers the medicine molecules I put in and allowed time to mix. It’s clean, it’s natural, it’s homeopathic, so clearly it can’t harm anyone.

Just mix it with some of my homeopathic vodka. There’s so little alcohol in there it should kill anything.

But there’s more!

Consider this portrait of Charles V. The guy suffered from a case of mandibular prognathism, and as a result of his ‘Habsburg Jaw’ appears in this image not to be able to close his mouth. Probably a mouth-breather. However, the guy was also emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, widely admired (no small trick for an emporer), probably borderline genius and at the very least was fluent in all the era’s major European languages, not to mention the owner of a worthy list of accomplishments. To sum up Charles V as just a ‘mouth-breather’ would be foolish indeed!

I sometimes do that, when the text is something I’d like to plan on reading aloud to my wife later.

You’re a fucking amoeba.

I referred to a personr as a mouth-breather just the other day, to my boss. Someone in another department called me - a tremendously overweight gentleman. He had to wait on the line while I looked something up for him, and I swear that he shoved the entire telephone handset in his mouth. I could hear every inward breath and exhalation, every swallow and lip smack. And then he started humming. Oh God, the humming!

And now, because of your post, Cartooniverse, I feel a little guilty for having described him as such.

I’m leaving my home
At least for a couple weeks
I’ll leave it in the care of a friend

Don’t get me wrong
He’s a nice guy
I like him just fine
But he’s a mouthbreather.

  • David Yow

What did she mean by that?

I agree completely with the OP. “Slack Jawed” is one thing “mouth breather” is another. Really, it’s not a insult and should not be used as one.

Having adenoidal tonsils unusually large enough to block nasal airflow, forcing the person to breathe through their mouth.

Is that all? The quote seemed to me to be implying something more, like a more complete description of someone.

I think it also implies rather noisy mouth breathing.

I always heard adenoidal to be a feature of someone’s voice, high pitched and whiny, as the second set of definitions here. As that definition is from a UK English dictionary and Christie was British I’m confident that that is what she meant. I don’t believe it was intended as a slur on intelligence.

Whether there is really any relationship between whining in a high pitch and the adenoids I’m not sure. It’s not a description one hears these days.

Oh, no need to keed. For those who’ve met it it is a sad reminder of how accurate your depiction is.

–Wiping runners of saliva from grizzled beard, dragging knuckles on ground. Meh, what’s a few strands of missing DNA amongst friends? They made a movie about me once but it only did middling simian business…

It’s pretty clear that it was:

Sure it does.
You probably just get clean amoebas…