Fuck people who call people "mouth-breathers"

Were you wearing an onion on your belt?

Could be worse. Think of the poor knuckle-draggers.

Okay I have to admit it was a half-hearted rant. No, I’ve not tried Mucinex. But OTC Claritin is my pal. :slight_smile:

Great posts however. I’ve got band-aids on my knuckles.


Well done sir :slight_smile:

Whoa! I was going to bring up the knuckle-dragging but it looks like you beat me to it. I assumed you didn’t also have this habit, but since you do- congratulations, you’re a neanderthal!

Anyway, it’s always been a figure of speech for me. Mouth-breathing knuckle-dragger is something you might fling at Rick Santorum when he says something outrageous. I honestly can’t say I’ve thought badly of a literal mouth-breather. Just do not call me and then do nothing.but.breathe. Okay?

Have all you mouth breathers tried the neti pot?

Are you trying to kill us all with brain-eating amoebas?


i did not know

Reading was also a lot harder then. Among other reasons, we have punctuation and gaps between words. Reading a stream of undifferentiated letters is quite difficult even when you know the language really well. Reading, or at least mouthing the text helps to make it clear where the gaps between words are.

A yellow onion?

Why, you whippersnappers are reminding me of the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville (which was what we called Portugal at the time). I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Portugal, which is what we called Shelbyville in those days, or maybe vicey-versy. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…

Tie a yellow onion 'round the old oak tree . . .

I am. Damn media is on to me.
Bastards, always trying to do away with my cuddly little brain-eating amoebas…

That woulda been the old Tarifa to Eddalya Ferry? Peaches Neidermann and her late husband run that ferry line. They took it over from Adolph and Heda Neidermann who first ran it before the war. Not that pussyfoot thing they’re running over in Beirut but the Real Deal pal, let me just tell you something. That onions gag? Heda had sinus problems. She was a dear woman, build like a '27 Opal but her nose ran like the Rhine in March. She claimed that it was better to switch than fight and that the onion she kept in a finely wrought silver chain mail pouch nestled against her generous bosom helped to keep things draining and clear up top. Who were we to question? Na’ama and I went to work for the Neidermanns in 1968 and they’re like family to us.
I’m sorry, what did you ask about the ferry ?

Another invention that made reading easier: Upper & lower case. A concept ignored by trolls…

WhAt if They weRe GerMaNic TroLLs?

How do you feel about Egyptian mouth-breeders?

Quality joke pitting. 9/10.


Hey! HEY!
Could you put some damn clothes on before you tell us this story, AGAIN?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nor did I!
The SDMB has just (possibly) saved my life!
Someone I know (who will remain nameless, though I will henceforth, look at them in a different way) had almost convinced me to try using one of those. :eek:
After clicking on the link, I think I’ll have to say, “Thanks but, no-fucking-way!” I mean, “No, thank you.”