Fuck. Shit. Bugger.

Hiya all…

Well, my Grandma got the tests back today. (link to my other http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=112852 thread in MPSIM)

It’s bowel cancer.

Apparently there’s 2 types of cancer, the type that has roots and the type that has seeds. If she has the first type, they may be able to get it all out without having to resort to chemo, or if it’s the second, they’ll have to give chemo to kill it all off…

God, I hope it’s the first one. Please God, make it the first one. I’m praying for you Grandma, I really am.

She’s 84 I think :slight_smile: and is on a lot of other medication with other problems - mild diabetes (she takes tablets) and heart problems and so on, all in all, what you get when you’re 84 :slight_smile:

My understanding of chemotherapy is that it kills the cancer only slightly faster than it kill you… I’m not sure.

So. my request is, that on friday night and sat morning those of us that are christian - could you please pray for her - her name is Betty - and those who are indifferent to religion or not interested, at least send some happy thoughts and vibes her way. - forgive me if that’s a little rude to ask, I’m not thinking particularly coherently.
Fuck cancer. Fuck it with a big nail studded fence post.


I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I know cancer is supposed to grow much more slowly in older people, I don’t know if that will have an angle on your grandmother’s case though.

Chemo is quite advanced medicine these days, although it’s a big shock for the body. My mother is on chemo but so far she is fine.

The best practical advice I can give is making sure your grandmother has as much rest as possible, as much help with any strenuous activities, and is eating the healthiest diet she can. She will need all her energy reserves and health to fight cancer, as well as family care and support.

Thanks istara

I am going to try to see if I can get some time off work on the saturday, and see if I can go to the hospital with my grandfather…

Hopefully everthing will turn out allright.

LeeJam–Good luck.

LeeJam - that’s bad news :frowning: I hope your grandmother copes okay with her treatment, however it goes, and that your family stands up to it as well.

[sub]If prayers from a pagan don’t offend, you got 'em - otherwise just call 'em good wishes[/sub]

I know recently I had 2 uncles die from cancer in this last year 1 had blood cancer the other lung. Now my other uncles dieng from lung cancer its bad maan. I don’t know whats going on anymore

Ya know, I agree with Genocide. There are entirely too many cancers, idiopathic diseases, and all that going on these days. A family friend of ours died from ovarian cancer a few years ago, and I’ve heard that a few other people I know have cancer and similar diseases. Definitely not good. :frowning:

LeeJam, I’m hoping all goes well! I’ll be praying for you, your grandmother, and your family. Hope that helps!

You and your Grandmother have my best wishes. I dont even really know why I am posting back to this thread, because I am not the best with words in this situation, but all I can say is, I hope everything works out.

Good luck to her, LeeJam.

For what it’s worth, my Dad beat colon cancer that had spread throughout his body. It was a tough summer for him, but he beat it. Here’s hoping that your Gandma can do the same.

Thanks All.

tavalla: I’d take prayers from a monkey at the moment…( not that I’m insinuating anything :smiley: )

I really appreciate the support everyone. Thanks again…

LeeJam - there’s quite a lot of doctors in SDMB, but they probably don’t all read SDMB. It can be helpful to know the processes/timeframe/stages of illness and treatment, so maybe consider posting in GQ for advice?

I also found a lot of help, advice and support on breast cancer from the internet. Including forums where sufferers, carers and survivors posted back to answer my questions and offer support and advice. I am sure you will find bowel cancer ones too, and/or just general cancer ones.

Anyway thoughts and prayers are with you.

oops - by the the second “SDMB” I meant “The Pit” - sorry.