Fuck, some of you are so goddamned narrow minded...politics, bullshit

I am writing this in protest to those that think that the Caleefornia election was the end all and be all of life.

You know what is worse? A woman, 33 years old that had her life cut short because of a brain anomoly (sp). Her life was ended because of a medical issue that the doctors didn’t know what was going on and though it to be harmless.

This woman was a dear friend of mine’s daughter.

I can sit here and tell you of the world’s unfairness but you all want to whine and moan about stupid politics when people are dying from unexplained issues.

Yeah, I am opening myself to this and I am in grief for my friend who lost her daughter…but the petty nature of so many of the posts here makes me sad. Many of you people need to get a fucking grip on reality, many of you need to focus more on of the core of human existance.

I see so many complaining over the most mundane bullshit I want to scream at you. One of my best friends lost her daughter to some unknown shit and you want to fucking whine about a candidate that may or may not have had sexual relations with some bitch that no one cares about.

I am sorry if I seem indifferent, a friend of mine lost her 33 year old daughter to something we don’t know. Your whining and complaining about sexual harassment is nothing compaired to this…you suck for your thinking…there are plenty more heart stories that need your attention than some bitches who claimed to have been inappropriately touched by Arnold…

Fuck off.

And this was brought on by…?

I would like to add, techchick, that I AM sorry for your loss.

But this is just so…what the FUCK? I mean, I don’t think you really want to do this.


You have to remember that not everyone experiences personal tragedy at the same time as you. I lost my father at eight but the anger and unbelief is no longer completely there. I do understand how it might feel for you looking in on normal everyday conversation(while experiencing a personal tragedy), but you will realize in some time that life moves on. Sorry to hear about your friend’s daughter. :frowning:

You might what to re-think posting about your feels right now and be with those that know you.


Guin…read it…a friend of mine’s daughter died…people are going fist and mouth about the shwarznegger apointment… yet when a nameless woman dies, eh, no big fucking deal.

This is a big fucking deal with me. Arnold made the cut but when a woman that dies because of some strange anomoly…it’s not news.

I am sorry, this is a frustrating thing for me. Her mom and I are close friends and it hits my heart very strong. Yet I see people here bitching about the most stupid shit known to man…it makes me sad.

Yes, I read it.

And yes, I AM sorry.

But honestly, I don’t see the point in attacking people for going about their lives and doing what they normally do.

What do you WANT from us, goddammit?

Because it is a big deal to them. They don’t know your friend so they can’t feel your pain in that regard. All they can do is look at what has gone on in their life and feel sympathy for you. Asking them to care more about it then Election isn’t going to happen. They can’t feel what you are feeling. I mean there is just no way. Try to sleep on it some…

I hate to break it to you techchick68, but the world does not revolve around you.

That may seem harsh, but it’s fact.

People die every day. Some from absolutely tragic circumstances. Does that mean we should all stop living our lives? Should we not get upset at things that are (contrary to your individual opinion) big deals?

The recall election was history in the making. For some, it was great history. For others, tragic. For a great deal others, entertaining. Some are more personally invested in it than others.

Me? I work for the California Legislature. So yeah, I was real personally invested in this. And while I’m sorry for your loss, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you “shame” me into not thinking what went down yesterday was a very big deal.

The world does not stop spinning due to individuals personal tragedies.

It’s called life.

I’m sorry about your loss, techchick68. I do agree that an individual tragedy can be more important, depending on your viewpoint, than a historical event. That said, I do agree with lezlers.

It irked and saddened me that, during the week my mother’s outlook worsened in hospital, and then she died, all the world could talk about was the accidental death of Princess Diana at the beginning of that week. Here was my own personal tragedy unfolding, but the world looked elsewhere, and kept on with its own stuff. And then life moved on completely.

You post here in anger and over-emotion. Letting that take over your words is not wise.

You are posting this observation in a forum specifically designed, in part, for people to rant, piss and moan about all kinds of obscure, petty BS. That’s a major part of what the pit is all about. I’m sorry for your friend’s loss, but why does that entitle you to come here and take a big, steaming dump all over everyone elses little problems and gripes because they don’t peg the needle on your importance meter?

You owe this forum and it’s participants an apology for your behavior.

While I think the Pit is for whining and bitching and kvetching of all levels of world importance, I hardly think she owes an apology to anyone for offering a bit of perspective.

astro, are you saying the OP isn’t ranting, pissing and moaning about obscure petty BS? The OP is clearly very upset and wants to vent, it seems fair enough to do it here. Or am I missing something? She’s right enough - when someone close to you dies, the whole world seems to be lost in trivia. Damn fools going on about their petty concerns when this big life-shattering stuff is going down.

OK, you don’t have to take on her grief, but at least let her get it off her chest without going in a snit and demanding apologies.

But cajela, that’s what she’s doing to everyone here.

Venting is one thing, ranting and raving at everyone here for simply living, is quite another.

It’s also not very fair since the very nature of the rant makes it impossible to really flame back without looking like an unsympathetic ass. Which makes the OP even more fucked up.

Rather than attempting some sort of Pit pissing contest (“My tragedy is worse than yours!”), perhaps the most useful thing to do is recognize that neither is an enviable position for the parties involved.

It sounds cold, I know, but trying to play “who’s got the shittiest hand in life” ignores, IMO, the fact that there are many that are plenty shitty without judging them or trying to figure out whose is worst.

In case anyone is going to attempt to intimate from those two paragraphs that I place techie’s past few days above or below anyone in CA’s (or anyone anywhere’s), I make no judgment whatsoever regarding that. On purpose. As I said above, I don’t think there’s much point. What is more useful, IMO, is to acknowledge that both of them are unfortunate and to go from there.

Best of luck, techie, to you and yours dealing with what I imagine, from the OP, was an unexpected loss:(

Tek, you bitch about inconsequential shit all the time. I bitch about inconsequential shit all the time. And you know what? People DIE all the time. It sucks, but it’s a fact of life.

Death can be VERY hard to accept, I understand that, and I am honestly sorry for your loss. But to assume that the rest of us are going to notice, or even, for that matter, even get all that wrapped up in YOUR loss once we’re told about it is the very height of self centeredness.

To me, personally, Arnold Schwarzenegger taking a good amount of control over the world’s sixth largest economy is of FAR greater importance to my life, and, I would wager, the lives of damned near EVERY person on earth, than the death of a woman I’ve never met in Colorado.

This doesn’t make your friend’s death any less tragic: As I’ve said, I’m honestly sorry for your loss, and I wish only the best to all of those affected by it. But most of the world is not all that affected by it.

Guin…read it…a friend of mine’s daughter died…people are going fist and mouth about the shwarznegger apointment… yet when a nameless woman dies, eh, no big fucking deal.

This is a big fucking deal with me. Arnold made the cut but when a woman that dies because of some strange anomoly…it’s not news.

I am sorry, this is a frustrating thing for me. Her mom and I are close friends and it hits my heart very strong. Yet I see people here bitching about the most stupid shit known to man…it makes me sad.

The political process may look like a cheap carnival/high school popularity contest to most of us. But these suits that we elect actually have the power to make our lives better (or worse). We should channel our anger not at random people but into cudgeling lawmakers into funding or supporting experimental health research instead of frivilous pork projects. That won’t bring anyone back but it may keep these things from happening to others in the future.

Sorry for your loss, techchick68.

That’s all I have to say.

Wow, tech,

Way to ignore everyones posts. This really isn’t a good way to garner sympathy.

I suggest ceasing from posting again until you’ve gotten a good nights sleep, or I fear you’ll dig yourself in pretty damn deep, possibly too deep to find your way out again.

You’re greif stricken. I get that. And you’ll get a certain amount of leeway because of that. Don’t abuse it.