Fuck the Gold Rush. It's the Silver (Fire) Rush. Dopefest in Dublin

Driving with her father?

At the risk of sounding like a fuddy-duddy, how old is Silverfire? And, assuming she is a minor, will her father be present for this party?

obfus: Her dad’s a truck driver, and has to make a stop in Tracy, CA. so Silver’s traveling with him. I don’t believe she’s a minor… IIRC she’s 19 or 20. And her dad won’t be with her; I assume I’ll be driving to Tracy to bring her back this way to meet any of y’all that can make it.

Why am I always the last to know about these things?

Oh well, unfortunately, Mondays are never good, and I live 90 miles the other way…

Sorry Silver, Et. Al.:frowning:


bumpitty bump

I’m working (yay!) 9-6 in Mountain View, but scratchie will probably have my car, so we just need to figure out when Silver will be arriving so we can make arrangements accordingly…


Any further updates? It’d be nice to know what’s going on before i leave for work tomorrow morning, so i can plan accordingly.

bump again.

I need to know if I am having fun tonight or scrubbing the kitchen floor tonight.

Any info appreciated.

OK. Final plan. Silver Fire is arriving at some point today. We’re not sure when. She will let me know when she arrives, I will pick her up, and we will head to the gathering.

I suggest people meet at 7pm in SF. Where in SF? Good question, since some people are driving, and some people are taking public transportation, I figured a good place to meet would be the Zodiac Club They’re open from 5pm to 2am. Are centrally located, and all that jazz.

here’s a map

If anyone wants to email me, I’ll be happy to provide details. I can also give you a cell phone where you can reach me to recieve Silver updates.

Hope everyone can make it.

I think you can count me in on that. See you then.

I’ll check this thread around 5pm, in case there are updates.

Excellent. I’ll be outside the club at around 7, sniffling and sneezing but in one piece. Wurg.

ToddlerNym and I are sick again plus we’ve infected Mr. Duhnym.

Life is not pleasant in this house, I wish I could come meet you all.

Have fun and show Silver Fire a good time!

Argh, can’t make it, too short a notice. :frowning:

Well, have fun all of you, and let me know if her crotch really can light off bottle rockets. :wink:

I stayed home sick today. I’m running a fever so I’m probably contagious, otherwise I would be there. You guys have fun tonight.

Argh! Too much stuff to take care of here! Sorry guys…

Well, that turned out to be a nice little dopefest-that-wasn’t. I met up with Woodstockbirdybird, Jack Batty, and Obfusciatrist at the Zodiac club at appx. 7:15. There we waited… and waited… and waited. We got some drinks (Obfus ate, while the rest of us just drank). We chatted about road trips and movies and the boards, intermingled with general expressions of “Where the fuck ARE they???” Woodstock had to leave at around 9:15. Jack left shortly thereafter. Obfus and i hung around until 10. I got home to find out that no one’s heard from Silver yet. Now i’m just hoping she’s okay. :frowning:

Suffice to say, those of you who didn’t make it didn’t miss much.

Sorry scratchie and I didn’t show, but we were here waiting for Silver to get in touch with us.

Glad you guys got to hang out at least… sorry again!

Just got a call from Silver Fire. She’s fine, but running far behind schedule (she’s still somewhere in Nevada). Again, sorry I couldn’t show up. :frowning:

Hello! Is it quite possible for you people to have Dopefests on WEEKENDS like all the other dopers??? You’re starting to give the BADs a bad (heh) name! Some of us not so hip dopers have little chitlins that have to go to school and such!

Grumble grumble…

::sniff, sniff::

We miss you guys!


There * was* a weekend dopefest just a few weeks ago. I know, I was there. I looked all over the place for Demo and Psy. Under tables, in Grandfather clocks. In hottubs. In outside fridges. Then I got the story- Demo and Psy couldn’t make it because of a sick kid. (Read: Demo and Psy couldn’t make it because they had smoked pot for 48 hours straight and could no longer remember which way was letft.)

Sooo, Dude. Next time show up and quit hiding behind the poor kid.


I hopes to see the two of ya again some day.

I just saw this thread today. I am glad, because the option of meeting silver might have tempted me to drive up dere for the meeting that almost was. Heck, hanging out with ob, zyz, wood, and Jack would be fun as well.


Here is one board MIA checking in.

I thought we were going to have a record for the Dopefest with the Quickest Pre-production. woodstock-b ans I had already made plans to meet yesterday when I got oldscratch’s email, so we got on board. Unfortunately we ended up with The Smallest Dopefest Ever. Oh well. The Red-Tail ale was good, the conversation was pleasant and the bar was only a few blocks from my apartment, so it all pretty much panned out.

On a personal note - in case some of you have been wondering where the hell I’ve been - I was just taking a little self enforced break from the boards to take care of a few personal matters. Alas, the matters still aren’t resolved so I still won’t be around too often, so take of the place in my absence.

Duuuuude! Who needs to know which way is left when you drive using the force anyway? Also, I do not consider Sunday evening as being the weekend. I learned early on, from my mommy, that Sunday night is a “week-night”, so there! I blame that particular situation on the idiots who decided to have the superbowl (whatever that is) on a Sunday, though. Not on you kind people.

Anyway, my bad and all on that one. I wish we could’ve made it. We could’ve discussed DW and poured lime Jello in Sue’s hot tub (just kiddin’ Sue!!!). :wink: Oh well, I’ll catch you all again one of these days.