Fuck you, Anti-gym Jeff Gannon lookalike

Yeah, except the caveat isn’t hidden.

Excess = unattractiveness.

All drink and no gym makes Johnny a fat bastard who is only going to get laid by the 2AM dregs.

If that’s good by Johnny, then Johnny won’t complain. [sub]decry american looks-based discrimination here/it’s what’s on the inside that counts![/sub]

If Johnny wants to tag higher-quality ass, then less liquor and more gym.

The amount of liquor Johnny can consume without becoming a fat bastard who is only going to get laid by the 2AM dregs is directly proportional to the amount of time Johnny spends in the gym.
It’s as universal a truth as one can find.

OK, what’s the deal with the gallery page? If you click on the link “Here’s OUR Theorie: You’re Fat” there’s a little photo gallery of people protesting something… maybe the anti-gym itself? But the signs are just toooo spot on. One placard says “I have a thyroid problem” and another says “Sure my teenager is fat but it’s baby fat”. Seems like a little guerrilla marketing.

I suppose the ad is a little offensive, but the place is clearly looking for a clientele that WANTS an ass-kicking drill-sergeant type approach. I doubt the makers of the commercial are too worried about offending people content with being “chubbies”.

Well. The ad is crappy enough to be funny. And crass enough to be funny.

oh wait. I guess I am quite the philistine.

Still, I can’t believe they show that kind of crap on primetime.

I don’t find it much more offensive than the usual hot babe used to sell anything. This just takes the reversed angle at it.

Imagine an ad showing ugly people who don’t drink or smoke being bored at home. How is that different from the usual, cool dude smokes and has three girls one on each arm?

I wonder what the tie-in is with that restaurant. That’s the Real World - Denver house made over.

I think it is a pretty clever marketing scheme. It appeals to those who know deep down they don’t have the self-discipline to stick to a workout scheme and think that someone forcing you to do it is what’s needed. I imagine they break you down and build you up in a boot-camp kind of way.

They’ve gotten a ton of free publicity over those ads.

This is just boot camp. I love it. I would love to do something like this to get back in the shape I used to be in. Yeah that guy is a meanie and he might make you boo hoo a little but I guarantee he gets you in shape like no body’s business. Everyone responds to humiliation in ways other types of positive motivation won’t get through to you. He’s trying to get rid of the idea that its okay to be overweight. I mean yes you can be and I’m sure some people are and are happy but it IS unhealthy.

I would so go to that gym. Now, I’m not overweight in the least bit, but I am a lazy bastard and that’s just what I need to get off my ass.

Or I could save money and not be lazy and go running. Whichever.

Well, yeah - and it’s certainly not hidden in your post. If we substituted your words for theirs, we’d have no argument.

But to me, their words mean: our program will enable you to eat as you did before, but still attain that sculpted body.

I suppose it would depend on the frequency and quality of your workout. I workout an hour a day, every day. I can pretty much eat whatever I want.

I didn’t look past the first page of the links, so I’m not supporting or protesting the ad. I’m just saying that if you do the right kind of workout, food can become something you don’t worry much about. Perhaps that’s what they’re meaning?

You know, I was a bit offended at the ad, but now that you mention it, I’m not so sure.

It is, after all, saying the exact same thing that our mass media throws at us every day in commercials, programming, and even in the news. The fact that it does so unashamedly and by looking at the ‘other side of the coin’ is a little different, but the implication when thin attractive women get the guy has always been that the fat slobs don’t.

Holy crap, the commercial is so fucking juvenile I can’t even get upset about it. I mean, I take it about as seriously as an old “Jerry Springer” episode.

It’s got a real “local cable” feel to it , alrighty. The website is simple and sleek looking enough, though.

eta: it kinda drips with eau de Maxim.

Which it true far more often than not.

I thought we had scientific minds here? If so, it is quite obvious that slim body/good teeth/clear skin is a positive trait, and is sought out by human instinct. It seems to me that his commercial is on target.
Of course, I love D+ cup sizes, which generally bring along a few extra pounds with them. YMMV.

YBMV? :wink:

Took me about 2 minutes, then cut to me at work screaming, “Oooohhh. Wait. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW”

I’m no linguist, but the accent on your youtube link sounded like a cross between Vince McMahonese & Jess Venturian.

wait, why ewww. I thought it just meant your boobs may vary. I’m missing something, I know I am.

Yeah, I thought “your bra may vary”. What’s the EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW version??

I suppose there’s Your Bowels May Vary, but that doesn’t really make any sense.

Oh, I read it as “Your boner may vary”.
