Fuck you Apple. Fuck you iPod.

10 days. Ten fucking days. I understand you have to draw a line at some point, but c’mon.

OK, so I had a major computer meltdown on Monday. I had to reinstall everything on my computer. From the OS on up, it was new. Which, in part, wasn’t a completely horrible thing because it got rid of a lot of programs I didn’t need. When I reinstalled the software for my iPod, while it was still attached, may be where things really went south. Apparently, something got screwed up along the way and I can’t fully restore my iPod. All of the MP3s are gone, the software won’t work and it’s in permanent “DISK MODE”. I’m not saying I’m without responsibility here, but I got the rest of my computer back up and running (and actually it’s running much better now). I had no idea that reinstalling the Apple iPod software with it plugged in would’ve screwed it up in any way.

I just got off the phone with the Apple support person. I bought the iPod on November 8th, 2003. One year and ten days ago. That’s ten days too many for Apple as they refuse to help me now. It’s past their one year of helping and now into their many years of hurting. :frowning:

So fuck you Apple, fuck you iPod.

(Oh, if anyone knows how to fix it, I’d be really happy. 3g 40GB iPod on Windows XP)

It’s completely broken and you should sell it to me for $20.00.

Actually, I’m lying.

Here’s some info on doing a hard reset:

Hey dipshit, it’s called a warranty, and if it’s a one year warranty, then yours was expired. 10 days or 10 hours after expiration is irrelevant. Why should they make an exception for you ? Are you fucking special or something ? You could have gotten the Applecare iPod plan which lasts 2 years, but you chose the 1 year plan, which is your perrogative of course. It turns out you were unlucky, and that’s how it goes. I just ordered an iPod myself, and only chose the 1 year standard plan. If anything goes wrong with mine after 375 days, I sure as hell won’t be whining on some message board like a little cuntmuffin, who apparently does not comprehend the concept of a warranty. And yeah, it was probably stupid to update your stuff, with the Ipod plugged in.

Wow. You’re nearly as obnoxious as the commercials that you apparently swiped your username from.

I’m just trying to fit in here.


And I’m unaware of the commercial you’re referring to, as I tend to avoid commericals. I don’t watch much tv, but when I do, it is commercial free channels mostly.

black455, thanks for the link. My computer recognizes the iPod there and will do the restore on it. It finishes the restore and then tells me to wait while it reinstalls the software on the iPod, which it never does. So, the iPod stays in “DISK MODE” the whole time. D’ya think the “really hard” reset will help?

On behalf of all non-assholes,


According to a certain puppet film, I am most likely a dick, not an asshole, and I am betting that you are probably a pussy.


Dude, have a cup of coffee and a smoke or something and you’ll probably feel a lot better. It helps me, anyhow.

LOL is being an asshole in the Pit verboten now?

(I’m not an asshole, and I thought The Truth’s post was kinda funny)

Right, The Truth. Because any reasonable individual interprets the length of a warranty as the timespan of the useful life of the product minus ten days.

Does that mean that if I spring for the extended warranty, my stuff won’t break for another whole year? That’s pretty sweet.

Wow. I’m actually agreeing with Aeschines!

Tears for Fears fan, heh ? On an unrelated side note, I did bump into the other dude once a few years ago, Kurt or Curt, I forget how it is spelled.

As for the warranty, of course nobody can predict when stuff will break, and that is why people are given a choice when buying a product, if they should spring for the extended or not. My advice for emotionally unstable people, such as the threadstarter, the breed which is inclined to go apeshit when something breaks, is that they should spring for the extended.

Cuntmuffin? Excellent.

Two things:

a.) From what stpauler is telling us, the iPod didn’t spontaneously stop working; the computer crash and/or subsequent restore messed it up somehow. There’s no indication that it had some kind of Warranty Expiration Detector that caused the thing to crap out at a particular time.

b.) As much as you may not like it, a 1-year warranty is a 1-year warranty, and Apple is under no obligation to provide support after the year is up. “But it’s only been expired for ten days!” you say. Well, if they give you support, what about the people whose warranty has been expired for 11 days? 12? 13? 15? 20? 30? 60? If you’re going to have a limited warranty, there has to be a cutoff date somewhere, which means that the people who have problems after that date are SOL. Sorry, but those are the breaks.

Sounds like someone used to work in customer service! :smiley:

Granted it was past the warranty cut-off but we’ve all been in that position where some piece of shit machine or electronic device self destructs at 12:01am the day after the warranty is up. There’s no need for you to be such an ass to the OP.
I know it’s the pit but, fuckin’-A. Grow up.

Thank og men are immune from yeast infections!

Oh, come on. It is fairly apparent that people visit the BBQ looking to either be abused, or to abuse others. This place is pretty damn hostile, and I prefer to be the dude doing the whipping, not the masochistic little person who likes to be on the receiving end.

Hurm. My fault for not reading the OP more carefully…apparently it is basically his own fault that the iPod no longer works. I had originally thought that it just went kaput, and was responding that, while I don’t believe that Apple should cover it under the expired warranty, The Truth was still being an asshole for telling the OP to “quit complaining” about a product which miraculously dies ten days after its warranty expires. In light of the real situation, though…yeah, them’s the breaks.