Fuck you iPhone update

They are?

Edit: Ah, I see, starting with 6.06.

This. Apple’s had this reputation of being much smaller than the competition, and able to pull rabbits out of hats (The painless jump to intel, making an MP3 player that made the others look like they weren’t really trying, successfully making an all-in-one computer that was dead sexxy.)

Now they’er suffering from code bloat, and a lack of low hanging-fruit.

Really, to look at the debut of the iPhone, you’d think that no manufacturer previous to Apple had honestly looked at the user experience as important. (You want to turn off bluetooth to save battery life? press Menu, Next, Next, down, down, right, 2, down, select, exit exit exit) I’d had phones that also incorporated WiFi…had to reboot them OFTEN as it’d get confused if it was using Edge or WiFi for it’s networking. The iPhone was NEVER like that…now sometimes it is.

Now? They get most things correct…tell you about 10 ‘crazy cool’ new features, only one of which you’ll actually use, and in the meantime, all your emails have to be scrutinized because the keyboard that USED to know what you meant…doesn’t. Ducking Mother Plucker!

Still, I guess I should be happy, my 1st gen iPhone does a LOT more that it did when I pulled it outta the box.

Actually I hadn’t noticed that the first couple weren’t in order. Anyway they are very amusing and a nice touch of branding. I mean, who wouldn’t want to use a computer running Karmic Koala.

“Hoary Hedgehog.” LOL. I bet that was fun to speak aloud about.

“Son, what’s that new thing you installed on our computer?”

“Hoary Hedgehog.”

“You’re grounded.”