Fuck You Jar Jar Binks

Well, duh. People wouldn’t give a damn about the suckiness of Mr. Binks if they didn’t like the franchise. Think of it this way… imagine you just got your favorite pizza. You set it down on the table, savor the smell, and then open the box… only to find a giant rat turd sitting in the middle of it. How would you feel?

You’re missing the point. The fact remains that TPM had the potential to be a good movie. Instead, due to Lucas’s selling out, it became a not-so-good movie.

Pissed, of course. I’d demand my money back. And I wouldn’t go back. That’s the point.

If he’s such a sell-out, why didn’t he write the obviously unpopular Jar Jar out of Episode 2 entirely? If Jar Jar dies a gruesome bloody death, then I’d say he sold out, changing the concept to fit mass appeal.

Frankly, I’m very suspicious of “sell-out” accusations against any type of artist. Any time a musician/artist/writer/director changes their style one iota toward mainstream, people immediately assume it’s all about the money. Maybe Jar Jar was put in for the kiddie market; I’ll admit that’s possible. I suppose the same thing could be said of Chewy, R2, C3PO, Yoda, and the dreaded Ewoks. gasp

Let’s see the evidence Lucas sold out. Show me Jar Jar holding a Pepsi in the movie. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really wondering about the OP’er here.
I mean, comparatively I’ve been registered over a year, lurked a long time before that, and got a relatively low post count to show for it.
But here we have Hoe, registered 1999, with few post, most of them recent, in the pit, and if you don’t mind me saying, being a moron.
Something’s amiss.
Did someone find an old password?

An open letter to the “Fuck you Jar Jar Binks” dopers who support this ongoing hatred.

I am a long time, and personal friend, of Mr. Binks, and he implored me to reply to all of you. He is sick and tired of being treated in such a fashion, as clearly illustrated in your above posts.

It’s not his fault he was born this way. I find it utterly disgusting that you want to discriminate against him solely based on his race, and speech. I’m really sad that SDMB folks are sinking to such lowbrow tactics. The comments found herin [this thread] are rude, immature, and base.

Just because Mr. Binks has a slight lisp, and walks unlike most humans, doesn’t give you the god given right to abuse his character. That’s slander, pure and simple. Just because his speech pattern might mimic certain sterotypes in American media (of the past) doesn’t mean he exemplifies the same.

Nor are you giving Mr. Binks a fair shake in his own defense. I surmise you’re all jumping on the Binks hate-train only due to popular opinion. Can you really cite valid reasons to dislike Mr. Binks? Especially, when all you have is an elementary understanding of him, via a single movie? And one in which he only co-starred in, to be precise.

Due to your uncouth and grotesque behavior, I am ready to undergo legislation to protect those, such as poor Mr. Binks, from such hate speech. I hope you reconsider your remarks and take into account the psychological damage you very well may be inflicting upon my good friend, and associate, Mr. Binks. I believe he has taken the backseat and allowed your slings and arrows for far too long.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Binks’ mental stability were at risk. Likewise, becoming a danger to society. The way you constantly push and badger his ego could easily lead to a variety of violent outcomes. Do you wish the possible innocent bloodshed on your hands? How can you support the idea of such hatred and continue as model citizens to your country, the world, and even your very own universe. Is it not enough that the professional media has made light of Mr. Binks’ role in Episode 1. But, imagine the horror, to have the very message boards that Mr. Binks so dearly loves, ALSO become a haven for this lothesome intolerance…well, proper words do not service my thoughts to your behavior.

I will take this matter up with Cecil, AND the moderators of this heathenistic forum; in particular, the “BBQ boards”. I consider it an outrage that such language, and hatred, go unchecked for so long. Clearly, the administration of this online site has no regard for the personal, or psychological, safety of Mr. Binks, nor for his reputation in the mass media.

On a personal note, I think all of you should take a good hard look at yourselves. As humans, I think you are misrepresenting the species. However, I don’t wish to wade through the rigmarole of such uncharismatic behavior.
Sincerely, Mr.Jet Black

#1: Where else can one get some damn good space opera? And don’t say Star Trek. #2: We’re giving the guy a second chance with Episode II.

He did. Well, almost. JJB was going to be about as prominent a character in Episode II as he was in Episode I. Lucas changed Bink’s role to that of a cameo appearance, AND toned down the character. According to rumor, anyway.

I didn’t say he’s always going to sell out, nor am I saying that he always has. I’m just saying that for Episode I, he sold out. Want me to point out how?

Here goes:

-He tried to make Episode I into a repeat of IV, V, and VI at the same time. This is the same thing that made Alien: Resurrection bad. He had the theme of the innocent, naive kid saving the day, and of feeling and intuition taking precendence over technology and skill (a la ANH), he had the dark ending and forebodings of bad things to come, along with the highly-skilled yet-strangely-quiet villain (Darth Maul, an attempted repeat at Boba Fett), a la TESB, and the “primitive” army managing to conquer the technological menace - and let’s not forget the parallels of destroying the droid control ship and destroying the Endor shield generator - a la ROTJ. Granted, these aren’t unpopular themes, but, in my opinion, they are rather blatant.

-He ruined his own continuity. Tell me, how old was Anakin in that movie? He was, what, 9? What did Anakin do? He was a slave, selling junk at a merchant’s on Tatooine, yes? All right… now look at ANH. What did Obi-Wan say? “When I first met your father, he was the navigator on a spice freighter.” Hmm… 9-year-old slave… navigator on a spice freighter… big difference there.

-The gratuitous inclusion of the droids. For the past twenty years, he’s had us believe that R2-D2 and C-3PO have been partners for many, many years, and that Threepio is over a century old. And, yet, he threw them into this movie, seemingly just for the hell of it. We’re supposed to believe this, this mother of all cosmic coincidences? I’m sorry, but suspension of disbelief allows me to accept hyperspace, the Force, and the Ewoks beating back stormtroopers… but the whole “Darth Vader built Threepio” angle is too hard to swallow.

-The insistence on giving EVERYONE an accent. The Neimodians were Japanese. The Gungans were Jamaican. The Naboo were… well, they had SOME sort of funky accent (they pronounced “you” as “yooh”, with a slight “h” sound at the end, among other things). This really made the character’s speech sound really wooden (especially Amidala, who seemed stoned the whole time).

I will admit, Lucas managed to do some things really well. The portrayal of Coruscant, for example (didja know that Coruscant supposedly holds over 500 trillion sentient beings? Big place.). The lightsaber duels, for another. The corruption in the Old Republic, for a third. So the movie has its redeeming qualities.

What bugs me is the fact that all the flaws it has seem so blatantly obvious. It’s the rough equivalent of having Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny do their “Rabbit season! Duck season!” sketch in the middle of Citizen Kane.

And don’t even get me started on midichlorians… ::shudder::…

Nevermind. I should know better than interupt a Jar Jar kick.

We got the privilege of watching Episode I in our spanish class…and let me tell you, the crappiness of Jar Jar transcends languages.

“Mesa llamo Jar Jar Binks!”

[Grandpa] It angries up the blood! [/Grandpa]

Everyone knows that Jar Jar is really Boba Fett anyway.
Ducks and runs from the horde of screaming fanboys.

Comments like that make the baby Vader cry.

Sci-fi literature. (Space opera… Wait! You mean like in The Fifth Element?)

Did you even see ROTJ? OK, I honestly expect Episode II to be better than TPM as well, but AFAIC, the failings people find with TPM were just as prevalent with ROTJ.

Can you say “hyperbole”?

  • Recurrent themes - intentional. Check out the DVD of TPM (alternate audio track).

  • Continuity - understandable. Name me one series of movies that is completely free of continuity errors or potential plot goof-ups. Anyway, Obi-wan had a tendency to hide the truth, remember? Maybe it was “true from a certain point of view”. :d&r:

*Suspension of disbelief - gimme a break. Need I remind you of the movie’s subject? It’s not like Billy Crystal had a cameo walk-on.

*Accents - I don’t get it. You expect all aliens to pronounce English the same way? And that was Jamaican and Japanese? Were we watching the same movie? Those accents are considerably different. Whether or not that harmed the dialogue is open to debate, but the dialogue for all the movies hasn’t exactly been Oscar-worthy anyway.

Various apologist articles I browsed through:


Hey, I’m not saying Jar Jar isn’t annoying. As one of the articles points out, he even annoys the rest of the characters…

Jar Jar is OK by me. He has noble eyes. The CGI was spectacular. Jar Jar spake: “Yousa thinka weesa peepa gonna die?” and I was enchanted. The film was more than worthy by merit of pod race, Natalie Portman, and light saber battle alone. All the rest was just icing on the cake.

Of course you can’t, but I’ll say it anyway: if you have given up on Lucas then get off his fucking tit. You can rate the episodes of Star Wars all you want; we still know what you do with your Slave One.