Fuck you, long distance, and fuck your mother, and father and children


Well, tonight I got royally fucked, and I’ll bet there is not a thing I can do about it except say “yessir,may I please have another stroke”.
I was talking to a friend who lives in Europe on ICQ. The ICQ network went down for me, and we were having such a good conversation that I picked up the phone and called him. We talked for about 2 hours, had a real good time, and then rang off. I have seen my LD company (who I really, really like, otherwise) advertise rates to Europe of about $.20/minute, so I figured I’d wind up paying about $20. A bit, too be sure, but no big deal. Well, after the call, I called LD company, and they say the call will cost ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY DOLLARS!!! HOW the hell can they advertise one rate, and charge another? And why do I always get screwed in these things??

I’m sorry this isn’t up to my usual pit standards, but now I’m too pissed to be eloquent.

Y’know you could have just downloaded mIRC and saved yourself a shitload of money. :slight_smile:

Perhaps the advertised rate was only good during certain hours or on weekends. It usually says it at the bottom of the TV screen in words so tiny that you may need binoculars to see them.

Still, it’s a shitty situation. Damn, that’s a lot of money. :frowning:

Not sure but I think you only get their good international rates if you sign up for their international plan. IIRC AT&T’s plan was $5 a month for the country of your choice.

Tell them your young nephew made the phone call and see if they will take away part of it. Usually, they are pretty cool about these things–provided that it only happens once. (I know, it’s not honest but then, who is all the time?)

A friend of mine (sorry, I don’t know his LD carrier) did manage to get his call reduced to the advertised rate. He was calling Brazil from the US, and after calling his carrier to determine the rate and then making the call, ultimately discovered that they had not told him that should he wish to take advantage of that rate he must sign up to an additional agreement. He argued that it was unreasonable to inform someone of the alternate rate without making them aware of the mechanism by which the lower rate is applied. They agreed and refunded him… eventually.

I had a nice telecommunications surprise the other day. I rarely call anybody really, so when I made a couple of drunk calls to the US, I was expecting the worst, having been too lazy to sign up for the long distance plan. The rate? 5p a minute (=7c/min)…so BT can get some things right;)


One Hundred And Sixty American Dollars.

I’m sure this, uhm, European friend of yours will return the courtesy and call YOU the next time, Dave. After all, this European friend allegedly only pays about $0.05 a minute for calls to the US :wink:

Damn, Coldy. you make me sound so…erudite. Until everone realizes it’s just you :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: