I just sent off this letter to the founder of the Drudge Report. I think it speaks for itself:
Needless to say, if you want the ending of the new Tim Burton movie to remain a secret, DO NOT go to this site–this spoiler isn’t a newslink but the lead banner headline. I used to like this site (though not his politics) because it was a convenient hub for dozens of different newssites, but I’ll just bookmark each separately now because this jerk couldn’t keep his mouth shut. The only reason I wasn’t harder on him was because I wanted him to actually read the entire message.
The square jawed hero collapses at the foot of the statue, and sings…
“Oh, my god, I was wrong…
It was Earth, all along…
They finally made a monkey out of me!” o/’
I am not going to go to this site, just in case the asshole is right, but this IS Matt Drudge we are talking about. This SOB is the most irresponsible journalist I have ever had the profound displeasure of reading. He has not checked a single fact in his miserable career. So, chear up Archive Guy, there is a distinct possibility that his story is true to his record and far from the truth.
“The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.”
You say it isn’t a news story. But he feels it is, he feels that a major film has insulted and defaced an American hero.
If he thinks that is news, I don’t see how he has an obligation to wait until you had seen the movie. Besides, the whole goal of his site is to tell people things before they are supposed to know them.
Spoiler alert, I think not. This is a remake. If you don’t want people knowing the ending, call it a different name and change the ending. There was a tv series about it even.
Accept this like Titanic, you know the ship sank in the end (sorry for those still waiting to rent the movie if I blew the ending).
“They blew the damn thing up.” (or something like that, it has been a day or two since I saw the original)
Ahh and remember “Soylent green is …”. Deb, who is still waiting for that classic to be remade.
Before I wrote my post I went to the site and read the only article on the subject I found. I didn’t find a spoiler except to hint about what is known from the original. The fact that people were offended is news worthy this is a much hyped film. They only mentioned one scene that is different from orig, what is spoiler in that?
I agonized over visiting the site, and in the end, decided to go ahead with the spoilage.
No, this is not a ‘remake’ of Planet of the Apes. If it were, it’d have the same plot and the same ending, much like the remakes of any other movie. This is, as Tim Burton describes it, a ‘reimagining’. He’s taken the basic concept - look, a planet of apes! - and made HIS version of the movie.
Therefore the ending “You did it, you finally did it” is not the ending that we can expect in Burton’s version. If people were whining like crack-addled rhesus monkeys about being spoiled in regards to a 1968 movie, then I can understand rolling eyes and shrugging. What Matt Drudge reported, though, IS the different ending that Tim Burton hinted at. Part of me hopes that Drudge is smoking crack and that isn’t the actual ending to this version of the movie, but if it is, then yes, he was a very bad boy by spoiling as he did.