Fuck you, "Mom & Pop" stores (VISA related)

For what it’s worth, neutron star, I own a “Mom & Pop” store, I accept all major credit cards, and I don’t have minimums.

So screw you for generalizing.

Pain isn’t it, even in what I thought were fairly large franchises like Forbidden Planet :smack:

The real question is whether or not the conversation happens in the first place. Minimum purchase amounts are widespread, it’s not like there is a handful of these places, there are probably hundreds of thousands of them. Visa knows full well that there are many stores using a minimum, they can probably track them down with a single database query. However, they do not, and do not widely publicize or focus much attention on this aspect of the agreement.

I would suspect that Visa is more interested in keeping the retailer as a customer than an individual purchaser. So long as the complaints remain infrequent, there’s less risk in letting one angry purchaser switch to MasterCard than to have a retailer drop Visa entirely.

So, if more people made it a habit to report such things, the system might change? If we boycott places that show dishonesty by flouting a contract they agreed to, and report them, than this may eventually bring about change, correct?

Says the person who obviously doesn’t have a credit card or has never been charged interest or various fees…

If you want to be a PITA, just go ahead and buy something else to get the charge over their minimum. Take two steps towards the door, then turn around and say you’ve changed your mind and want to return the second item. :wink:
Me? I just tend to carry enough cash to cover minor purchases.

Very long term lurker here, signing up because this is relevant to me.

First my credentials: I run, essentially as a hobby, and because it came with our house, a small village shop. It’s lucky that it’s a hobby, because net profit isn’t much above five grand a year. That’s right. Five thousand pounds a year. When I bought the shop it was making a similar figure, but as a loss.

We won’t take Visa for purchases under ten pounds. And not many people spend more than ten pounds - why would they?

Our agreement with Visa allows us to do this, which is handy for you. Because otherwise we wouldn’t take Visa.

Our merchant agreement, from the top of my head, takes about 2.2%* + 25 pence per transaction. This may not sound like much to you, but consider that our highest margin, on any product bar soft drinks, is 30%. Typical margin is 10 or 15%. This is before taxes, wages, utilities, etc. So our actual margin is closer to 5%. In other words, we won’t even break even taking Visa until the purchase is approaching £10.

So take your Visa and shove it up your arse!

*Depending upon the card used.

You sure will. Of course, I hope I won’t see you or anyone supporting your position starting a thread about “OMG! Teh Walmart controls all our base!11!!” :rolleyes:

Fuji - the only employee at the computer shop where he works

I tried it, but I never could figure out where to type in the PIN …

Well, no one’s ever stuck digits up my rectum either, but I never thought it was such a great loss!

Interest and fees go to the bank that issues your card, not to Visa or MC.

Wait till you turn 50.

Does anyone have a similar link for VISA? Thanks!

Assuming you would like to report someone for breaching their contract, a question:

Why do you want to?

Because, part of the benefit of being a Visa cardholder, is the standardized conveniences the card offers. Go into any establishment that accepts Visa, have them ring up the sale, hand over your card, sign, done. No nonsense about minimum purchases, showing ID, etc. Shopkeepers who demand otherwise are mucking up the system for everyone.

From Visa:

FTR, I prefer Mom and Pop stores, and when intending to go there, I bring cash. :wink: I just would rather they be more honest, and either follow their contract, or don’t sign it. There has to be a middleground, and I hope that it will be found so that the wonderful Mom and Pop places don’t all founder. Clearer? :slight_smile: Perhaps the credit card companies could be made to allow things to run as they do in (parts? all of?) the U.K. here in the United States? I just think that until the rules/contracts can be changed, either sign the contract and abide by it, or don’t. I’d be willing to help out with this, FTR. I don’t like the commercials that imply people who carry cash to make purchases are throwing sand in the gears of a well-oiled-system, because that’s a fantastic fib.

The chain of stores I work for is owned by one of the largest retail coporations in the US (no it’s not Walmart) and company policy is to ask for photo ID for anyone using a credit cart to buy more than $50 of tobacco (ie 2 or more cartons) merchant agreement be damned. Why do we do this? Because of “an increase in credit card fraud at our stores”. Thieves often use stolen credit cards at gas pumps first so they can see if they still work and won’t have to confront a clerk it they’re rejected. Then they’ll buy something that they can easily resell (or try to return and get a cash refund). Tobacco products are easy to resell (especially if the store is located near a state border).

Of course, you could just card them because sale of tobacco to minors is illegal.

We only card everyone who looks under 27. Carding everyone would be a waste of time.