Fuck You Roosh Valizadeh, right up the old Wazoo.

The operative word there is “try” though. Probably the first time a female looks their direction, the shit literally starts flying and they’ve got to scurry back to safety. I won’t speculate if that’s mom’s basement or not.

Two different terms for the same type of asshole.

A link to the “tongue-in-cheek” blog post would be wonderful, so I can judge for myself whether he manages to pull off satire at the what would seem to be “A Modest Proposal” level. Oddly, I’m guessing not.

I’m also inferring from your remarks that objecting to Roosh’s sliminess somehow qualifies one for membership in the “SJW” club. The horror! Still, despite the pain caused by your slur, I will soldier on with my objection to the idea that making rape legal helps women. I look forward to reading the satire for myself, however. If Swift can make eating babies sound logical, perhaps your hero Roosh can do the same for rape. Strange that no one else seems to have noticed his satirical intent…

Here is the article so you can judge for yourself.

He’s a clever troll, he knows what to say to cause maximum outrage and then worms his way back to claim thats not what he meant. Stop giving him attention.

Yeah, goodness. He’s just saying date rape isn’t real and is the woman’s fault. Don’t overreact!

This guy is a real peach:

Clown jig?


The guy never planned to actually attend his own rally. I’d be surprised if he bothered to arrange a hotel room. His plan was to get attention so more of his books would sell, and that’s it.

Mission accomplished. People took the bait, and now he’ll sell more books and make more money.


Trolling is weaponized these days. Trolls can cause real life pain and suffering.

It’s not true. Or rather, that’s what he’s claiming now, but he only put that satire notice up a few days when the post started attracting a lot of attention. It doesn’t make sense though. Swift wasn’t really arguing that we should eat babies. This guy regularly encourages his readers to ignore consent.

You can read more about him here -

And a specific response to the legalize rape piece -

We Hunted the Mammoth is a site devoted to documenting misogyny. Lots of good and/or depressing stuff, there.

I read some of those links. UGH. One had excerpts from some of his Bang books, including “No means no…until it means yes.”

Yeah, I am not buying the “satire” thing.

What exactly was supposed to happen at this rally, anyway? What were they supposedly going to do? March around with signs saying, “Legalize rape”?

For sure you should react. But the effective reaction is to deny him an outlet. Lobby Amazon not to carry his book. If he announces a workshop, lobby the venue to cancel his booking. Contact his hosting company and ask them to remove his website. All those things might work, but posting about how outrageous he is on social media is just helping him.

Except, if it weren’t for social media, I’d have never heard of him. So if I’d heard that the local Rotary club is having a speech by some guy named Roosh Valizadeh, I wouldn’t know to lobby the Rotarians to cancel.

Ok fair point. But if you want do something constructive instead of just pitting him, here’s the hosting company for Returnofkings.com. Use the contact form at the bottom of the page. I’m sure if enough people complain about the site they’d consider denying him hosting.

Also, his website seems to be under intermittent denial of service attacks, it times out for me half the time. Thats a pain for the hosting company, they’d probably be glad to get rid of him.

I’m not saying people should spend a lot of time in Twitter Wars. I don’t, either, personally. But the answer to hate speech is more speech. Letting hate speech go unremarked is part of the problem, not the solution. It just lets the haters and their supporters define the narrative.

Also - your suggestion is perilously close to harassment.

As it happens, we have a rule against using the board to organize protests or campaigns. I’ve removed the link in your post. Please avoid doing this in the future.

No warning issued.

Sidebar, please.




Just to help me follow the niceties of this rant.

Pick Up Artist
Men’s Rights Activist
Social Justice Warrior

PUA : Pick Up Artist, slimy creep who thinks woman are video games and they have the “cheat codes”.
MRA: Men Rights Activist, mostly deluded fools who think power relations in current society are skewed to favor women…
SJW: Social Justice Warrior, decent person.

PUA and MRA are terms generally used by people to describe themselves.

SJW is most often used as a sneering insult. The opinions of anyone who uses it can be dismissed entirely.