Fuck you Tony Blair

Tony Blair has congratulated George W. Bush on his re-election victory. Also, he mentions that the Middle East peace issue is to be front and center now.


Fuck you you mousey, weasely, little nobody. What makes you think that either you or your tiny pissant, pathetic, insignificant island nation even factor into that equation in any way? You limey assholes were the creators of this international nightmare. Since its brilliant inception, you’ve done nothing but make it far worse.
Today, you are about as important and relevant to this issue as Botswana. But since you gleefully signed up to be George Bush’s ass puppet in Iraq, and your fellow countrymen are about to throw your worthless ass out because of it, you’re attempting to put something positive on your CV.
Let me clue you in a little you prick. Israel will settle their disputes with the Palestinians when they decide to settle it. Perhaps the US can sway them to make some moves sooner. But to think your little poodle yaps will in any way light a fire under Bush’s ass is a testament to how phenomenally stupid you are. Why on earth should he listen to you now? If he had any incentive to do so, don’t you think that was before he got re-elected?
So basically, this is nothing more than yet another feeble attempt on your part to somehow matter before you get fired. Here’s a newsflash for you fuckwit, it isn’t going to happen.
I’ll tell you what else won’t happen…you getting elected for another term.
Remember that shit you were going to eat?
Seems you’ve been eating it a lot longer than a few days.

Unless things change a huge amount Blair will get back in. The only way Blair won’t win is him not being the leader of the party as Labour will win the next election without question. The Tory party are still unelectable in the UK. It’s very unlikely the Blair will be ousted before the next election and he has already stated that it will be his last term so in reality he will have to going at least half way through the term to let the new leader have a good run up to the election.

If you knew what I know…

Actually he is somebody. He is the international leader most highly regarded by the most powerful nation in the world.

He unquestionably has more political pull in the world than anyone whose office is not in the White House.

Yeah! And he’s the lapdog of the louse who seems physically incapable of respecting and cooperating with other nations.


You’re not “somebody” because your bigger buddy finally found a good use for you. Yes, the United States found a job for him in Iraq. That doesn’t make him a somebody. That makes him a dingleberry.
And I wouldn’t necessarily translate the comments by the U.S. president as “high regard.” Perhaps you’re failing to distinguish between the political aspect and the sincerity of those comments. And don’t assume any such notions of high regard extend beyond your shores. In fact, the U.S. is probably the only nation with any regard for the little big-eared one at all.
But on this particular issue, his ineffectiveness is a rather shining example. For him to be barking about this in such an out of context manner shows his desperation. Why on earth would someone bring that up along with a “congratulations” to the president of the U.S.? Is that suppose to signal a “hey… I went with you on your thing, now you have to return the favor.” Bush didn’t even have to before he was re-elected. Why should he give a damn now?

Would you be at liberty to give us a little insight?

Nietzsche, I think your analysis - apart from the fact that he’ll be re-elected (sadly) - is pretty much spot-on. I too felt nauseous when he used his congratulatory message to spin himself as international expert and peacemaker. He had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time.

Thus Spake Zarathustra:
“I love those that know not how to live except as down-goers

Blair’s fellatio of Bush is as repugnant to me as it is to you, Nietzsche, but his intention was to be the good cop, with France and Germany as bad cop, in dealing with that aphasic, simian war criminal.

However, he now has a few favours to call in. He has already driven a coach and horses through Bush’s reluctance to cancel Thrid World debt, and he might be able to bring more good still where outright refusal to co-operate might yet again have had the US acting utterly unilaterally.

I endorse the OP.

Though I have to say the attack on the Britain itself, rather than its politicians, strikes me as a little unnecessary. Britain may be tiny in scale, and perhaps still overly convinced of its international influence, but it is still a permanent member of the UNSC, and does have a population of slightly over than 20% of the US.

But yeah, fuck the poodle.

No matter how bad Blair is, and he is bad, the reason he is there and will remain in office following the next election, is that the previous administration was far far worse, it was corrupt, reptilian, unrepresentative of UK society, divisive, cynical even beyond Blair.
That previous administration was authoritarian, held personal freedom, especially for gays but also other marginals, along with war refugees, in contempt.

They threatened our health system by seriously underfunding it so that the wealthy would be forced to pay for medical insurance whilst the rest would have difficult choices to make.

They underfunded our schools and universities which meant that the wealthy preferred to take their children to fee paying schools to get the best education, meanwhile the rest of us have to dip into our depleted pockets to finance our schools to deliver what they are duty bound to do anyway.

They sold off public assets such as railways, to their friends who resold the assets making a fortune, and number of the previous administration then took lucrative posts up as directors in the newly sold off state assets companies.

They were fiscally irresponsible, running up large debts in order to finance large tax cuts for the most wealthy in order to bribe their way into office.

A number have been jailed for their dishonesty, more still have connections with coup attempts, dubious arms dealings, and finally they are guilty of getting themselves into a war that could have easily have been prevented - and which had been prevented several times previously.

That previous administration was distinctly xenophobic, and had a special place of hate in its heart for the national opinions of France, and other European nations.

Needless to say, that previous administration is without any doubt a natural ally of the current US administration, the Conservative Party in the UK ruled, or rather misruled, for 18 years, Ms Thatcher would without any doubt at all, have been even more enthusiastic about war in Iraq than Bush himself, she would probably have done all in her power to ensure that the rush to war was even more rapid.

We’ve learned a little from those days, took us time to do so, but we changed our right wing reactionary administration, we didnt expect Blair to betray us, but he has, so fuck him.

That’s a thing of beauty casdave. Great post.

Listen up Dems. Your time is coming (hopefully) The British went through the despair that you’re feeling. Kerry was Kinnock in the UK. Gave people hope but failed to take power. Your Blair is hopefully (again) around the corner.

Let’s hope that when he/she comes along they won’t betray their supporters as much as Blair has done.

Famously when Powell told Bush I the possible casualties involved in carrying out Gulf I Bush rang 10 Downing Street to talk to Maggie about it as he felt that if such casualties became reality the public would stand for it. “Don’t go wobbly on me now George” was the reply.

"as he felt that if such casualties became reality the public would not stand for it.

But the problem is Labour could only win by becoming their enemy and seamlessly carrying on the same policies until it makes no bloody difference which party is in power. It’s not a ‘betrayal’ by Blair. He’s just one of a bunch of young, ambitious politicians whose normal home was the Conservative Party, who saw all the slots were filled and took over a Labour Party so desperate to win they abandoned all ideals.

Of course if they hadn’t they wouldn’t get elected but power for its own sake is just power.

It’s devil and the deep blue sea. Be out of power or adopt your opponents beliefs and policies. Personally, power for its own sake is not a reason to support a party.

If you want right wing imperialism, devil-take-the-hindmost social and economic policies, guns, God and rights-free faggots you might as well vote for the party that really has its heart in it.

I don’t know what the answer is but if politics is reduced to a stampede to occupy a continually right-shifting centre then its not a game worth playing.

“What makes you think that either you or your tiny pissant, pathetic, insignificant island nation even factor into that equation in any way? You limey assholes were the creators of this international nightmare. Since its brilliant inception, you’ve done nothing but make it far worse.”

Mmm, because Americans are a shining example of intelligence. Have a go at Blair by all means, but don’t be dissing us as a people, you toilet. Generalize much?

Well put Paul.

I may feel that Tony would benefit from a short sharp kick to the nuts, but as to the shite the OP is cramming on the British people, he can cram that back up his ass.

tagos while I agree with you try and cast your mind back to Maggie, Howard, Archer, Portillo, Clarke, Aitken, Gummer, Redwood et al all in power.

Blair on a bad day isn’t half the cunt these fuckers were.

The goes for Bush and his neo-con wankbag followers. While the opposition isn’t exactly stellar they are still part of the same species as I am :wink:

Tony Blair has congratulated George W. Bush on his re-election victory. Also, he mentions that the Middle East peace issue is to be front and center now…

Yes, and just how long will peace last? When Osama strikes next, will we re-invade our peaceful Iraq? Or, will we just find another scapegoat? - Jinx

You know who’$ $itting back and ju$t loving all of thi$? The big-wig$ of the U$A oil indu$try! They never lo$e, you know. Re$earch on alternate fuel$? $ure, you fund it, and we’ll be $ure to $quelch it. And, how did the Bu$h family make their million$? Oh, yeah…how $oon we forget!

Funny how all that re$earch of the past energy cri$i$ never turned any re$ult$, huh? And, you believe we’ll have hydrogen-powered car$? Not until our we$tern world tycoon$ can corner the market fir$t, er um, make it profitable, I mean! :wink:

  • Jinx

P. $. I’m $orry…$omehow my keyboard ju$t won’t type anything el$e! :wink:

No he’s not half as much of a cunt - he’s much much more of one.

And the best description of the current governement would be “cuntsoup”.