Autocorrect me Maybe you’ve noticed, or it’s all in my head., but whatever it is, I’m pretty sure the judgement part of my brain is going a bit sideways. I’m hoping its just a stress thing. But my shoulder still hurts so damn much, and the arm is numb. I actually checked, got a strong pulse and blood comes out. Just argh its really hard to make words happen right now calling my doctor in the morning Perla will be soon here to take care of da.Iran I feel just like being drunk but without the fun part I love you don’t be scared I am a little but at least I’m not stroking out on national TV or anything yay autocorrect no word salad Perla is in her way I love you don’t worry but a call would be nice
Calling your Dr is a very good idea. Please get some help, before you do another thing, preferably.
Moderator Action
I hope you get the medical attention or whatever it is you need.
Since there’s no factual question here and someone is apparently on the way to help, it’s probably best just to close this.
Thread closed.