fucking detroit police

The detroit police has decided to conquer a horrible inner city problem. Yes, in a city plagued by violent crime, the police have identified a bigger problem. a problem that will chill you to your very soul. Rape and murder must take a back seat until this plague is irradicated. I speak, of course, of the greatest evil to ever rear its ugly head upon urban society.


yes, in a city that regularly rate rather high on the nation murder rankings, the DPD has determined that more resources should be allocated to stoping street basketball games. Nevermind that ten years ago midnight basketball was hailed as the cure to all of the inner cities problems, this scourge must be eliminated before more innocent children are destroyed. And they wonder why this city isn’t recovering.

When basketballs are outlawed, only outlaws will have basketballs.


Mayor Giuliani saw the light on night basketball. They even have the three-on-three street b-ball championships in NYC. What would happen now, they have to cancel the regional contest usually held in Detroit?

See, the new Detroit Chief of Police just started. And I know this because I live in Richmond, where he USED to be C.o.P. The thing is, Richmond is a college town trying desperately to be a big city and failing miserably…plus, it’s a gigantic pile of suck. It doesn’t surprise me at all that he’s trying out twee little solutions to gigantic problems, nor does it surprise me that he’s being met with raised eyebrows and incredulous stares.

Oh, and I used to live a few minutes outside of Detroit, so believe me…I know from dangerous crime, and I know street basketball is NOT on the damned list.

Do y’all still have any trouble with late-night street racing, btw?

Interesting you’d bring that up. Just about a month ago we had an incident where a car involved in a late night street race went out of control and plowed into a crowd of onlookers. There was a scandal because there were several off duty Lincoln Park(detroit suburb) police in attendance who did nothing about it(after all they weren’t in Redford, just detroit:rolleyes: ). I’m not sure what ended up happening there.
I’m trying to find a link to a story on the basketball thing, but I saw it on the local news and can’t find a print version. Here’s the street racing story though:


That should have read: after all they weren’t in lincoln park. not redford.

and here’s a link to rather infamous story that further illustrates detroit’s police problem

I guess they are worried that a missed pass might let a basketball roll out of control into a crowd of onlookers.