What in the everloving fuck causes people to damage a DVD, then try to shoddily repair it and send it back to Netflix without reporting it as damanged? I’m trying to enjoy Who Framed Roger Rabbit when about 30 minutes till the end, it starts getting all jumpy…I eject the disc and inspect it…it’s got a large crack in it which some shit tard has decided he can repair with what appears to be his mother’s clear nail polish. What sort of degenerate grundle munch does this sort of thing? NETFLIX DOES NOT PENALIZE YOU FOR REPORTING A DISC DAMAGED!! Just report it as damaged, send it back, and get another one…why make another person go through the same trouble you did?
Yeah, I am shopping for a CD cleaner just for my Netflix CD’s. I haven’t shared your experience but it wouldn’t surprise me. I have noted to NF that occasional CD’s are just not “watchable”
Oh yeah, and Netflix won’t even penalize you for fucking losing a CD.
I’ve had this experience with library audiobooks, most notably a completely snapped tape in the middle of LOTR TTT, which I’d had on hold and had to wait for. WTF? Report it and move on- they’ll replace it. They don’t sent he library police after you!
The only damaged DVD I ever got from Netflix was Scotland, PA. I kid you not when I say that it appeared that a former viewer had used SUPER-GLUE to repair a crack that ran from the center of the DVD, where the hole is, halfway through to the outer edge. Needless to say, the DVD did not work…
I got a new copy a few days later, but I still can’t figure out what goes through somebody’s mind when they decide to use super-glue on a DVD…
My very first CD from Netflix skipped started skipping terribly halfway through. I’ve also received a CD that was split in twain. I always assumed damage happened during shipping until I read the above posts. So…yeah, fuck those assholes!
They deserve punishment, no doubt, but I still maintain DVDs are a shitty medium.
Why is one DVD unwatchable on one player, but just fine on another? What kind of mojo-spirit-chi do these shiny disks contain that they are so tempremental about what brand of player is used to watch them?
I had them send me one of the specials on the “making of” the Lord of the Rings movies. The first wouldn’t play, so I returned it and asked for another copy, and the second was damaged beyond watchability as well. I finally gave up. Fucking NERDS who watched them over and over and over.
I have no respect for people that casually toss CDs and DVDs anywhere they want, regardless of what comes in contact with the business side of the medium. They deserve to have annoying skips all the time, in all their favorite movies and CDs. I treat the playable sides of these discs as if they would be absolutely destroyed if they came in contact with anything other than their container or case. Any scratch is a bad scratch.