Fucking maskholes and vaxholes

Oh joy, they’ve brought back the mask mandate at work. Not that I mind wearing one, but I’m sick of having to listen to “them masks ain’t doin’ nuthin!” and other comments. With any luck, maybe they’ll go back to letting us work from home.

I recently stumbled across a photo of an anti-mask protestor carrying a sign announcing “My Body, My Choice”.

Given the rather strong alignment of anti-maskers to the Repubican platform, and their general loathing for abortion, it’s rather hilarious (or something?) to see them using the pro-choice slogan in this way.

I guess it’s “My body, my choice, your body, my choice”.

Amazon even sells T-shirts with the slogan.

Same here (in New York City). I’m not unhappy about it at all.

It’s kind of like getting older. You don’t like it, but it’s better than the alternative.

I recently heard a comedian say he looked at wearing a mask the same way he looks at wearing a condom. He said, “I don’t like it, but if that’s what it takes to get me inside…”

I’m unhappy about wearing a mask, and I’m unhappy about the circumstances that make mask mandates warranted. But I’m happy that, if circumstances warrant it, masks are mandated.

Was hoping to say I’m not surprised, but still - a bit aghast at this:

Couldn’t see which poll service it was.
Anyhoos, they’re really pushing me. I’m starting to feel - fuck it, they can just fucking die, then.
Almost wishing it, which is a place I’d prefer not to go, but as they (suicidally?) continue in this pig-ignorant manner, and embrace these self-fulfilling delusions, it’s getting harder to sympathize, understand, tolerate, try to still fucking put up with this shit.
Which one of these fucking assholes will the the next petri dish for a super-duper variant?

Y’know the really fucked thing? I’m actually encouraged it’s ONLY 31%. That’s how cynical I’ve gotten :grimacing:. Good on the other 69% of Republicans, even including those stubborn holdouts that are only just now starting to wise up. Better late than never.

That’s cool. I hope that when they catch covid, they either die quietly at home without taking up hospital space, or suffer horrible consequences leading to an inability to get to polling places, and an inability to vote by mail because their idiot representatives have forbidden it. I hope this leads to the destruction of the Republican party as a viable entity for a generation. That would be the best possible outcome.

I’m with you on all counts.

If they stay home, that would also serve the purpose of slowing the spread of any more-lethal variants that they are almost certainly incubating in their stubborn little bodies.

Our mask mandate at work was never dropped, even when almost everyone was working from home. Now that we’re expected back in the office a few days a week, we either have to provide proof of vax (and yes, they are auditing to make sure people don’t submit fakes) or get Covid tests every week. I am glad of the latter - we have one vax holdout in our office who conveniently ‘forgets’ to wear her mask a good bit of the time. Maybe having to get a swab shoved up her nose once a week will finally change her mind.

We are supposed to be going back to work Sept. 4. Cases are rising quite rapidly, with Delta variant being predominant. Nobody knows who is vaccinated, and in fact we’re not even allowed to ask fellow workers, nor the thousands of students who are soon going to descend on campus from all over the country and the globe. All we know is vaccination rates are lowest among 19-29 year olds, 95% of our demographic.

So far the administration is just “no problem, back to business as usual, nothing to see here, bums in seats.” After all, they have a bunch of buildings sitting empty, and the fact that we were more productive than ever before while working from home is not important.

I just saw a job at another institution where I can teach my subject material remotely. I am seriously looking into that now.

We’ve lost several of my colleagues already who’ve said “fuck that noise” to going back to full classrooms of unvaccinated 20 somethings.

Sounds familiar!

I suspect that what is important from their perspective is that working from home filters out a lot of the “office culture” crap and makes actual performance more visible. That’s a problem if your only real strong suit is political gamesmanship.

Bingo. I think that what management learned over the past year is that they actually have no productive purpose whatsoever, and people would actually do their jobs better if many of them just got out of the way. And now they are scared shitless.

Or remove it.
Dig, baby, dig!

When the history of Covid is written, it will be noted that liberals succeeded in purging thousands of conservatives from the gene pool, simply by telling them, “You have to wear a mask!” or “You have to get vaccinated!” Their stubbornness was their fatal flaw.

Walking into the building this morning, one of my darling coworkers responded to my “Good morning!” with a diatribe about how we might as well just wear masks for the rest of our frickin’ lives. I responded yeah, pretty much, unless people start following guidelines and get vaccinated. This prompted a rant about how everyone should just go ahead and get sick and get everything overwith. :expressionless:

Bonus: this coworker is just coming back into the office after being sick with COVID.

I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that so many people, today, feel no shame whatsoever at being caught talking like a spoiled five-year-old.

I understand that they’ve been inspired by a President, and by well-paid on-air personalities showcased by the likes of Fox News.

But I’d still expect them to stop themselves ONCE in a while and realize how they sound.

In the case of this person, she has no shame. At a group lunch years ago, she swiped my umbrella on the way out the door; when confronted, she claimed that she forgot that she didn’t bring an umbrella, and also claimed that she thought it was one her daughter had left behind. Yeah.

This is also the same person who, on a particularly sunny day, loudly proclaimed “You gonna look Chinese when you get home!” (Presumably because she knew I would be driving into the sun, and she assumed I would be squinting the whole time because I wasn’t wearing sunglasses.)