Fucking maskholes and vaxholes

Not Foreign Object Damage! If it was a maskhole defending his Constitutional Right To Poison Everyone Around Him, then is all probability it was a True Blue Patriotic Murrican Citizen Object Damage.

BTW, I saw a pic once of a human FOD. It consisted of a largish sprayed-out puddle of blood, protoplasm, and bone meal on the ground.


My F-16 squadron inhaled a ground crewman about a month before I arrived. Funny to joke about, but not so funny in real life. Everybody was still pretty shell-shocked.

Stocks, or a pillory. Inside a large mall, so they can’t complain about being left out in the sun, and so there are plenty of passersby to laugh at them. “Cruel and unusual punishment”? I don’t consider it to be cruel, and if it’s the standard punishment then it’s not unusual.

I was just thinking today, you hear stories of store managers who say they can’t enforce mask wearing rules. But what would they do if one of their customers lit up a cigarette in their store and refused to put it out?

Or stripped.

If that is going to start happening, I am going to continue to do only drive-up pick-up.


What if they strip, but leave their masks on?

Then, depending how cute their butt is, they might be able to stay.

I found some new masks to address half of the maskhole populace:

I bought those Hanes masks. They don’t fit our faces here at all. The nose clip thing is too weak and small for my big nose and it has huge side gaps. It’s also too short to go under the chin. They might be okay for kids or small headed folk.

I didn’t expect much for that price and I was still disappointed.

Love it! Unfortunately, I have a neighbor named Karen, who is a very sweet, nice lady, and I wouldn’t want to insult her by proxy.

Here’s a couple of real maskholes:

I know, that’s the only problem with them! Every Karen I know in real life is perfectly lovely.

that’s because they’re all about looking tough. but when called upon to do, well, anything to actually contribute, they turn into a bunch of whiny babies.

Or they claim bone spurs.

Wow, I was a little later than I prefer to arrive at the marina for pontooning. The only masked people I saw were a couple I’m good friends with. They both were masked walking to their boat and remained masked until underway. So, three masked boaters and about fifteen people totally ignoring the state mandate. Fuckkkk

I know their intent, but a swastika is not something you can wear ironically.

What if Raytheon and Lockheed Martin were paid billions of dollars to make masks?

They’d probably get pretty misty eyed then, I reckon.

Just what was their intent? They were wearing Individual 1 gear.

We have some Japanese horseradish stinking up QZ, as noted below: