Fucking maskholes and vaxholes

Think so, do you? It won’t stop. And while it’s not stopping you’re not going to see an increase in intelligence or compassion. My dear, incivility is just getting warmed up. You already know this.

As if I wasn’t freaked out enough from that swab.
I knew that just wasn’t right.

It hurt my frontal lobe.

Brain pain!!

Wearing a mask and a face shield is really the way to go. I started doing that at work yesterday.

Yep. I wrote a sweet letter to my gf and have it sealed in an envelope labeled, “to be opened only after an angry mask-hole has killed me”. It will probably go unopened, but wow, the tear-jerking if it has to be opened.

Try pulling the top of the mask up high, so your glasses gently rest on the top bit of it. I find this is the best way to keep my glasses from fogging up.

I am quite blind without my glasses, and I always wear a mask when I go off my property (and wear a “probably provides some protection to me” mask when I go to retail establishments or to the doctor) and I’ve had good luck keeping my glasses clear. The trick is to make sure the top is well sealed against your face.

Also, they aren’t very adjustable, so they may not fit you, but I’ve had excellent luck with the cloth mask from Stark’s Vacuum to keep my glasses clear. I went for a vigorous walk on a muggy day, and when I returned home I literally had drops of condensation on my cheeks, under the mask, but my glasses were clear.

Seems like masks have become a clear metaphor for the mentality of voters:

Democrats think about their role and responsibility in society at large: “I don’t want to wear a mask, but it’s a discomfort I’m willing to endure because it reduces risk for others.”

Republicans think of their own self-interest first. “I don’t want to wear a mask, so I won’t, and I don’t care that my behavior puts other people at risk.”

Funny how the party who gets all misty-eyed about the sacrifices of our military completely abandons the idea when it comes to something that costs them virtually nothing.

And yet these are the people who are fighting so hard to reopen the economy! How do they not see that in order to reopen successfully, the spread of the disease needs to be stopped? Oh, I forgot - hoax!

Because they’re unwilling to (or incapable of) thinking more than one step into the future. It’s all A --> B with this crowd, and when they don’t like C they simply deny it’s happening.

That’s not self interest, it’s pure spite. Don’t let them off easily by characterizing them as simply being selfish.

Well, yes, there’s a lot of spite involved, but I think it’s also a pretty good metaphor for their whole philosophy:

  • I want to keep driving my massive SUV on cheap gas, so I want the EPA weakened, and I don’t care about the damage it causes the planet (or it’s a hoax).

  • I want to have more money, so I want my taxes cut, and I don’t care that deficits will cripple the economy for future generations.

  • I hate having to press 1 for English, so I want Mexicans deported, and I don’t care about what happens to their kids or the so-called benefits they bring to the economy.


This makes more sense. I don’t believe in evil, personally. But I do believe short-sighted and narrow minded people frequently act in a way that causes disproportionate harm to others, especially when they don’t have to see that harm every day. It’s why stuff like, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few” is even said–it’s a thought that escapes a lot of people.

Of course, living life casually in the USA causes disproportionate harm to others who don’t live here. Even if you’re not a dick, our representative government has fostered a style of capitalism and hegemony that essentially feeds us freedom it (and by extension, we) has stolen from others. It’d be nice if we would change that.

A new conflict epicenter emerges!

I’m sure it will be fine. After all, not a lot of ignorant morons shop at Walmart.

Yeah, every one of them will simply pull their masks down as soon as they’ve entered the store. Most stores don’t say anything to people doing this or they’d be fighting all day long.

Actually, if you ask them about adequately funding the VA they’re suddenly not so misty-eyed. More like “I prefer soldiers who don’t get captured / wounded / PTSDed; they’re cheaper.”

I posted this in a Quarantine thread but I’ll post it here as well so more people can find it if they need to refer to it:

Here’s the study referenced in the video.

That’s odd. Your description sounds just like several Democrats I know. And some of them refuse to wear masks; and some are even racists.

There goes the vision of angels singing whenever a Democrat farts, or the sun shining out their asses. Or how their shit smells like roses.

Your post there shows the exact same stupidity and bias that leads people to say “all lives matter”.

Funny how the party who gets all misty-eyed about the sacrifices of our military completely abandons the idea when it comes to something that costs them virtually nothing.

They’re fine with sacrifice, as long as it’s someone else who has to do the sacrificing.

Some Democrats are racist? Next your going to tell me some college students smoke weed. And my shit is actually kind of a citrus-honey. You don’t have to be self-important prick to be a Republican, but it helps other people recognize your party affiliation.

It’s not exclusively a white phenomenon, but yeah, it is mostly.

This admittedly gets beyond my level of education and realm of expertise, so take it for what it’s worth - I’m sure critics will have a good laugh. But I sometimes reflect on the stories that I’ve heard other white Americans tell when describing their genealogies.

To be sure, interest in ancestry isn’t exclusive to whites: I think all people of all races and cultures are curious about their family’s past, but what seems different is that when I’ve heard fellow whites talking about their family’s origins, I often hear stories about how Great Great Grandpa Outhouse came over and settled in what was then the Virginia Colony, before cutting down virgin forests and forging his way through Pennsylvania and Ohio, in the face of scary “savages” and wild panthers, and bears, and saber-toothed tigers (okay, that part I made up, but you get the idea).

In my experience, what it all eventually gets to is, "My family survived. My family converted. My family learned to speak proper English. Learned to play banjo and make moonshine. Didn’t get any handouts. Didn’t get special treatment. Survived ice ages and meteor strikes. Y’know, people today are just a bunch of pussies."

It’s as if we should feel guilty that humankind made technological advances or gained insights into ways to protect ourselves. In their view, what’s more important is that our children and grandchildren have the freedom to abuse and enslave people who are powerless and strip the land bare of its resources.

It seems that for people who violently oppose wearing masks, it’s their way of trying to channel their inner Colonel Custer.