Fucking maskholes and vaxholes

Isn’t Alberta also known as Samstoneistan?

But but but, they are getting paid all that overtime!!11!!

I hear they want to develop time travel, so they can go back to Sept 12, 2001, and have a go at firefighters.

Conservative government - there are several types of elected officials:

  1. Authoritarian “what we say goes” mindset
  2. Some think unions are the work of the devil, and everyone should agree with them.
  3. A subset probably thinks that the nurses are crisis actors, or “in on” the conspiracy
  4. Just fucking stupid

:notes:Where have all the nurses gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the flowers gone?
Left for BC every one.
Oh, When will you ever learn?
Oh, When will you ever learn? :notes:

I’ve heard it called the Texas of Canada.

Yeesh, poor Yukon can’t even rise to the level of “color photography”!

(That’s hilarious. I’m not even sure which is most insulting!)

I’m pretty sure that equating Ryan Reynolds to a cat is the most insulting.

( … but for the record I will still Always have a crush on Cobie Smulders… )

I so want to see what his position is on this!

Probably Trudeau’s fault for not funding healthcare, or for not allowing for-profit hospitals which would clearly solve all the problems.

Trudeau used Reverse Psychology on them by praising nurses!

Take a lesson from Indy. Punch 'em in the face, shove them out the window, then cock your thumb at them and growl,“No ticket!”

Yesterday as I walked into a grocery store, an unmasked woman leaving the store yelled at me (masked), “YOU KNOW THAT MASK DOESN’T DO ANYTHING?”

I yelled back, “FUCK OFF, KAREN!”

Another guy flashed me a thumbs up.:+1:

Consider this a second one. :+1:

Third. :+1:

Fourth. :+1: Fuck all the Karens and Bubbas.

I saw the response somewhere (here?), paraphrased, “It’s to keep me from catching whatever it is that causes you to act that way.”, although I can get behind “Fuck you, Karen”, too.

Fifth. :+1:

It is a nice-looking cat, though.

I dunno… but if I ever found a cat that looked like John Cusack…
Now That would be a handsome cat! That would be a cat that you would buy & gift to one of his sisters if only so you could imagine the conversations at their house on Thanksgiving!

( Someone once said, “That’s why nobody famous likes you…!” They might be right. )