Fucking old people (not literally)

This was my comment concerning teenagers—where do you get that I judge all teenagers by the ones who vandalized my property?

Well, Louis, I’d guess it was when you brought up the fact that you threw a trio of losers out of your backyard as if it had some bearing on the OP. Basically, Nikjohns said, “I hate old people who generalize all teenagers as troublemakers.” Which you qouted, and then complained about dope smoking vandals in your backyard. It certainly sounded to me like you were saying, “Yes, teenagers are mostly troublemakers, as is proven by the three I kicked out of my yard.” You might not have meant that, but its what I heard, and apparently so did Guinastasia and Nikjohns. Not that I minded much. No longer being a teenager myself, feel free to torture the little pukes all you like. 'Course, you migh want to consider who’s going to be taking care of you ten years down the road before you get too rough on the young’uns.

I did not throw anyone out of my backyard, I asked them very politely to leave. I don’t even know for sure that they are the ones who vandalized my property and I never said that I did. But, you are right in that my post had nothing to do with the op, for which I apologize. I was venting, more than anything and I should have opened my own thread to do that.

You’re a better man than I, (although I’m a woman :wink:
I’d have kicked their asses so fucking hard they’d still be feeling it when THEY were in a nursing home.

I know how you feel, our next door neighbors are the most horrible, undisciplined pukes one could hope to avoid.

I will say that for the most part, most of the elderly I meet are very nice, friendly, polite, etc. Same with most of the young people. HOWEVER, it is the ones who act like assholes that we always remember.

This was the stuff that you <Snipped> in the below quote:

I got the distinct impression that you meant “these teenagers pissed me off, I reacted nicely but they vandalised my property. Therefore I feel all teenagers act that way.”

If you look at the quotes by Guinastasia and Nimune, then they seemed to get a similar impression.

After reading your latest post, it seems that you didn’t mean it in this way. I apologise for the misunderstanding.

[Arlo Guthrie]I wanna see blood’n’gore’n’guts’n’veins in m’teeth[/Arlo Guthrie]

What’s all this “getting along”, “agreeing”, and “apologizing” nonsense?

Look at this, LouisB,

He’s DELIBERATELY apologizing at you! Look at him, being all “sorry”! The little punk!

Sheesh. In my day, pit threads were festering puddles of antagonism and raw hatred, and since I’m still alive, it’s still my day, gol durnit! Get riled, you water-willed vermin!

I won’t be having with this kissy-wissy nonsense!


Oh I get it. the,Forces.of.Reason must have pushed the “submit reply” button before you could finish a lucid comment. Carry on.

I have been re-reading this thread, in light of the most recent posts to it, and it appears to have been completely hijacked. In spite of incurring Surgoshan’s ire for apologizing, I feel that I should apologize to nikjohns for my part in that hijacking. That said, I do want to reiterate that I do not judge teenagers harshly—in fact, I like most of the teenagers that I know. However, like a lot of aging people, I sort of resent teenagers just because they are teenagers and I am not. How dare they hang out with their friends, laughing, listening to music, and having fun? Without including me, that is.

Guinastasia, if you are still reading this, I politely asked the three boys to leave my back yard rather than “kicking their ass” simply because there were three of them; they each outweighed me by twenty to thirty pounds and any ass-kicking that took place would have been by them, not me. I am a firm believer in not biting off more than I can chew.

Anyway, the fence is now repaired, the screen porch soon will be and the last time I saw those three boys, they nodded and said hello very nicely. As did I.

Hey LouisB…next time, do what I do…come out with a baseball bat and THEN tell them to politely leave. Works for me anyways.

Of course, I’m 6’2" and weigh around 250 so maybe they don’t even see the bat…I have absolutely no patience with someone that’s in my yard if I don’t know them and they aren’t a friend of one of my kids.

As an "aging person’ myself (39) I still hang out with my friends, laugh, listen to music and have fun! Ya gotta get out more bud…

And you aren’t prejudiced against teenagers?
I hate to be blunt, but you were a teenager once. I don’t know what you got up to, but I would bet money that you had a good time. That was then, this is now. I’ll grow up to be old someday (maybe…), and then I’ll see your POV.


You should know how I feel, having experienced it. I don’t know what its like to be old (maybe) someday I will. Then I will understand.

Fuck you LouisB

I apologised to you for accusing you of posting something that I interpreted wrong. You ignored the post. I may have made a mistake, but I’m not sure. I don’t know until you fucking tell me.

Despite what you have said now, I think you do dislike teenagers, because you don’t have what you once did, and what they have now.

Get over it. Enjoy being 61(?).

Whoa, back off there, Nik. Just because you aren’t 61 doesn’t mean you can’t try to understand how Louis feels. I thought it was a fine apology.

Don’t you have any resentment of the “cool” kids in high school? Or the guy whose parents gave him a nice car while you’re driving a rustheap? It doesn’t mean you’re prejudiced against them - it’s just a niggling little envy pushing you towards a mild dislike.

Slight irritation, yes. But I have no way to judge them based on just that. It may bug me, but I don’t hate everyone with a nice car, or everyone who is cool. If I had a specific reason to, then maybe I would… but based just on them being cool or having a nice car, no I don’t resent them.

You were being exceptionally reasonable in your post, therefore you must be resisted (this is the Pit, after all). It was meant as a bit of dusty, bone-dry humor. Don’t worry, however, you’re not being reasonable now…:wink:

Bigger than you? Good point.

We have the worst fucking neighbors in the world, and they scare the shit out of me, because they’re so fucking stupid, damn kids. But trust me, most of the teenagers I know aren’t bad.

This entire thing has gotten way out of hand.

nikjohns, you need to understand that I don’t always get to read the SDMB everyday, sometimes not even every other day. Plus, with the plethora of interesting new threads that are opened every day, I don’t always get around to reading threads in which I have already posted. Apparently I have hurt your feelings by not acknowledging your apology to me in what you consider to be a timely manner. That was not a deliberate choice on my part. Rather, it was caused by circumstances. I do appreciate your apology. I don’t apprecitate the “Fuck You” comment. Who would?

See if you can grasp this: At my age, statistically speaking, most of my life is behind me. I have succeded in some things, I have failed in others. I threw away at least twenty years of my life because of an addiction to drugs and alcohol. My health overall is not as good as I would wish and my body is beginning to give me a lot of grief. I would like to go back and do it all over again, differently.

Teenagers, on the other hand, statistically speaking, have most of their lives ahead of them. They have promise and they have abilities. They have youth, strength, energy and they are at a point where they can make their lives be anything they want. Generally speaking, their health is good and their bodies have yet to betray them.

If you could choose between being 15 or 61, what would your choice be?

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that I am jealous of teenagers.
It would be more accurate to say that I envy them their youth and opportunity.

I was pissed off at the fact you had replied to the thread following my apology, yet did not mention it.

Possibly nobody :\

Please patronise me, I love it. :rolleyes:

I am genuinely sorry to hear that.

My life is far from that, through a variety of things.

Shit, Nik, I read Lou’s post as a good apology, and his comment about teenagers to be nothing more than a perfectly ordinary “missing the glory of youth”.

My post was a small effort to interject some humor (I particularly liked “he’s deliberately apologising at you”) on the basis of 1) this is the Pit, 2) most Pit threads are a bit acrimonious, and 3) this was not. Looks like a small amount of misunderstanding fixed number 3.