This really steams me…the BOSTON GLOBE just ran anarticle about how people are not participating in the political process, and are not voting! Well, surprise surprise! I’ve learned that whatever you do, it doesn’t make any differnece!
I have always kept close contact with my state reps, city councillors, etc., but a few months back, I noticed an obscure article in the paper-it seems that public hearings were to be held, to determine the guidelines for awarding child support. As a divorced dad, I have a personal stake in this…so I wrote a detailed letter to my rep. asking his help, and volunterring to serve on a committee. Guess what? The bum writes me back, explainingthat all the spaces have been taken by child care “advocates” and lawyers! So we the people have no rights…and the hearings were held at 5:00 PM on a work day!
So, it was the same story…the people most affected by the legislation have no voice in it…the people who make the most money off this (the lawyers) get all of the voice…
Fucking politicians…cheats and liars! Damn!!
… And that’s why Dubya is in office.
Why not bring it up to the Boston Globe’s attention?
They could do a nice follow up letter on how and why the people are frustrated with the political system.
Then you could write a nice note to your rep and his challenger (make sure to put them both in the top of letter) that regardless of the political views that they represent, you will be forced to vote for the one that actually allows you into the political process, and that 5 pm hearing are ‘public’ in name only.
Child advocates and lawyers aren’t people??:eek:
So, your pissed that committee members are professionals?
Gore or Bush = Getting shot or getting hung.
That’s why it doesn’t make a difference. Who the hell cares if you have a choice when the candidates are all self serving slaves to the special interests who line their pockets with campaign money.