Fucking Westmount, Quebec

I lived there for a year and a half. I hate the place. Old, dirty money.

Anyway, McD’s wants to open a franchise on the corner of Sherbrooke & Claremont. Now, I’m not defending McDonald’s at all, but it’s no surprise that uppity Westmounters with dead things up their asses are protesting.

These protests against McD’s are different from those that occurred when McD’s wanted to open a location on the Plateau. This is just plain Westmount snobbery. Anything remotely un-Westmount-like, and some bored, drunken housewife will start a petition in between gin & tonics.

No, I don’t think there should be another McD’s in this city, least of all there. But the threat of anything remotely base coming into the FORMER city of Westmount, and suddenly everyone’s up in arms.

It’s all about elitism. I’m surprised they even let a Dairy Queen invade Sherbrooke St., in between the ridiculously overpriced boutiques. Oh… but the liquor store - that’s OK. Of course. I’m not saying I don’t drink, because I do, but when I’d walk down the street on recycling day, the number of empty wine and booze bottles in the green boxes in front of every single house was ridiculous. I guess it’s more acceptable to be a drunk if you have money.

And parking? When I lived in Westmount, I had a boyfriend who had a car. Getting temporary parking permits - so that he wouldn’t have to move his car every four hours lest he get a ticket - was a pain in the ass. We would have to go to some uppity German bitch and justify our existence and the fact that I lived in Westmount, therefore my guest should have a parking pass. When I asked Frau Farbissina why the parking restrictions were so strict, she told us it was because people from the suburbs (::shudder::slight_smile: would come downtown and park in Westmount. I guess the streets are only good for BMWs, Mercedes, and SAABs. Fuck that.

And when “One Island, One City” took effect (the entire island of Montreal became one city - with boroughs - on January 1, 2002) the Westmounters were up in arms that “other people” (read: undesirables from anywhere else in the city) might use their dog runs.

WESTMOUNTERS: FUCK YOU. You are the epitome of snobby angryphones. DEAL with the fact that this is a DIVERSE city. Your precious little fortress of snobbery is technically no longer legally existent. So get over it.

Fuck, I’m so glad I got out of that place.

If you want some Westmount parody, check out Westmount H3Z 2Y4, on www.themix.com. Choose “Audio Archives” from the drop-down menu. God, the tech writer in me never rests!

Grrr. Fuck Westmount. :mad:

  • s.e.

Keeping out McDonalds? Good for Westmount.

I am Sooo selling my summer home there. I can read the writing on the wall and it seems YOU savages are about to rebel.

Well, it is a bit comforting to know there are jackasses everywhere.

Ooooh…LaurAnge is gonna give you such a pinch…


I just think the thread title is funny for having “Fuck” modify a name with “mount” in it.

Why no, I’m not thirteen. Why do you ask?

I didn’t know Dairy Queen, a Texas staple, had restaurants in Canada. Do they sell Texas toast and use Bob Phillips as the spokesman there, too?

Wow, jayjay, I thought I was gonna be all stealthy-like! :slight_smile:

And scott, you know I think you’re great, but fuck you. You’re not sterotyping at all, really. Yeah, we’re all old-money snobs, never know a moment of hardship in our lives blah blah blah.

I’m not sure if I back up them not wanting a McDonalds, but they do have some valid points. Have you ever tried parking on Sherbrooke? You think that’s gonna get any better if a Mickey-D’s gets in there?

And what the FUCK is up with your accusions of alcoholism? Where the hell do you get that from?

My goodness, I can;t even refute al lof your idiotic points… dog runs? What the hell are you talking about? What, you thinkwe make you show a card to enter a dog run?

There were lots of good reasons why Westmount didn’t want to merge, like the fact that we’ll start having crappy spreets and services like the rest of Montreal now.

I am just so fucking sick and tired of hearing this all the time.

Anglo Westmounters are not the bane of society, people. Stop fucking generalizing.

Okay, I was so angry and having trouble getting the post through that I forgot to preview. Please excuse the typing errors.

Laur, I’m really sorry. :frowning: Yes, I often post idiotic rants.

But please understand that at least for me, living there was difficult.

Granted, I was generalizing, but a lot of what I said does indeed hold true among certain Westmounters. Not you, of course.

Let’s see what matt has to say, if anything. He finds the place “evil” (his words, not mine).

Can we still be friends?

  • s.e.

Yeah, of course.

It’s not just you, this is a very prevalent attitude in every borough BUT Westmount. I get teased and shit all the time 'cause my parents can afford a nice house. That does not make me an alcoholic elitist, ya know?

“Alcoholic Elitist” - band name! :smiley:

No, I can understand being teased about living in Westmount. In fact, I had wanted to live there ever since I saw my best friend’s apartment when we both first moved here ten years ago. (Interestingly enough, I ended up living in the same building.) I just got tired of it, and not that this is much of an excuse, I have a really bad association with the place because my roommate was a total bitch slob.

Point is, you’re happy living where you are, and I’m happy living where I am.

  • s.e.

Damn straight, Laur! I live in the Plateau and I’m sick of crappy spreets, too!

Curse those rotten spreets!

We have a lot of McD’s on the island already, including the 4000th McDonald’s (with a plaque and everything!) ever built, just over Westmount’s eastern border at Ste-Catherine and Atwater. Westmount’s resistance to another franchise isn’t exactly going to bring the Montreal economy to a screeching halt.

If anything does, it’ll be those damn spreets.

But what about the Dairy Queens in Canada?

I’m a queen and I love cream. :wink:

(Oh God… here we go… :D)

  • s.e.

No Texas toast and Bob Phillips. But they make a mighty fine Blizzard.

LaurAnge mumbles something about the spreets

Gosh, scott, a rant about Westmount, and nothing about partitionists and the worshippers Howard Galganov? For me, they’re the sort of people who give the rest of Westmount a bad name.

LaurAnge, you mentioned “One Island, One City.” I hated Bourque, but I was a supporter of the plan.

Large numbers of people used to spill out of the suburbs every workday. They used the infrastructure of Montreal – they drived on our roads, for example. And every day, they returned to their suburban homes. They paid taxes there. So the suburbs were mostly debt-free, and able to spend money on little niceties like rec centres, etc. And Montreal was crumbling.

The accusation was always that the City of Montreal was bad with its finances. I’ll concede that Bourque had the financial sense of a turnip – the man did transfer much of the fire department’s money into his favourite tourist trap. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he was embezzling some.

But even a financial wizard couldn’t have got Montreal out of debt. The reason was simple – the city’s population effectively doubles on weekdays from 9 to 5, and increases somewhat on Friday and Saturday nights. The half that leaves the rest of the time is the richer half, the half better able to pay for all the services they use. That’s why our streets and services are crap.

But scott, you are practicing safe sex aren’t you?


Looks like we’ve found a replacement for HiOpal!

  1. Item 1.

  2. Item 2.

  3. But scott, you are practicing safe sex aren’t you?


  1. scott evil practises safe sex.


  1. Ever hear of AIDS???!??!?!?!??!??!??!?


You be funny, hamish. Me likes you. :slight_smile:

Anyway, you made a lot of good points. And let us not forget that the city is still paying off the Big Owe 26 years after the 1976 Olympics, even as that giant toilet bowl of a stadium rains down chunks of concrete. ::eek::

  • s.e.

Hamish, you just described the same problem that every single major metropolitan area in the US has to deal with, on some scale. Good on you Montreallers (is that right?) for actually doing something about it, though.

As far as Bourque goes…heck of a hockey player. We here in Colorado want to thank you for sending him our way. We got another Stanley Cup out of it. You say he used to be in politics? :smiley:

It isn’t just Montreal. Other places in Quebec have merged too - Sherbrooke being one of them. Now all the places that we used to joke about being"wanna-be Sherbrooke" (Fleurimont, Ascot, etc) have finally fulfilled their dreams of being part of Sherbrooke. Unfortunately, IMHO, they lumped in Lennoxville with it, which is weird for me because Lenn has always been such a different place than the other towns, mainly because it was mostly English, and seemed to live life a little differently. Although, to be honest, most people i’ve talked to about it (I’m living away from there at the moment) seem to have not noticed much change anyways.