Fuel tank optimisation

I have a petrol station with three tanks. The first two have 7000 liter capacity and the third has 15000.

When the petrol company truck comes to refill my tanks, the petrol is loaded in compartments of different capacities ranging from 1500 to 4500 liters. Then I have to decide which compartment goes to which tank while avoiding to split compartments between tanks.

For example, tank 1 has 6340 liters empty space, tank 2 has 6720 and tank3 13000.

The truck compartments are 4400, 4000 3500 3250 3000 2500.

Is there a mathematical way to determine the most efficient way to spread the compartments to the three tanks?

More efficient for what purpose? The most efficient way for the tanker truck guy it to pour everything into one tank, or the least number of tanks, because the biggest inefficiency time-wise would be unhooking and re-hooking the connections.

And presumably you have different grades of gas, rated by octane. So it’s probably not just a matter of filling your tank space most efficiently. You would have to look at sales data and figure out how much Regular, Premeium, diesel(?), unleaded, whatever that you would expect to sell.

And don’t you have to dedicate tanks to a certain grade? Suppose you top off your ‘Regular’ tank, and then sell 200 liters before the resupply comes. And the next tanker truck shows up with 200 liters of Premium. Though it would perfectly fill up the tank, you’re not going to dump the Premium into the Regular tank, are you?

I have other tanks for diesel and premium. These three are for regular unleaded, which is by far the most popular product.

As for efficiency, when the total fuel volume in the truck is close to the total volume of my tanks, it will take some trial-and-error to fit the compartments in to the tanks.

Sometimes there will not be a valid combination, no matter how hard I try, even when the total truck volume does not exceed the empty space. In that case I have either to dispense some fuel to make room in the tanks, or split a compartment between tanks.

I’m a bit confused. Are you paying for a truckload of fuel, whether or not you have the room to store it?

Are you trying to end up with the tanks completely full and have the least amount of gas left over in the compartments or have the tanks as full as possible with no gas left over? Can you half-fill compartments?

Is this a math problem?

Yeah, is one of the fuel trucks leaving Chicago?

It appears to be, like most real world problems, a defining the requirements problem. Once that is done there is a trivial amount of math to arrive at a good solution.

If I’m reading you correctly, you have something close to what’s called the Knapsack Problem.

In the general case, the solution is very difficult, but for small numbers it’s relatively easy. In your case, you can see that one solution is to fill tank 1 with the 3250 and 3000 L compartments, tank 2 with the 4400 L compartment, and tank 3 with 4000 3500, and 2500.

I don’t think there’s any simple algorithm that solves your problem better than brute force. That is, try every possible combination of compartment->tank sets and see if one works. This could be done with a small computer program.

In your case, there is a small difference because splitting compartments across tanks is allowed; just to be avoided. Most likely, you can come close to the optimal solution by removing the smallest compartment (where you can’t find an actual solution), and then later adding it back in, split among the tanks with the most space.

Is there some constraint that one truck compartment cannot be used to fill more than one tank? This sounds like a pretty straight-forward mathematical programming problem, but the problem statement is still ambiguous to me.

I don’t understand why the second part of the sentence I quoted above is in any way a problem.

Let me ask this a clearer way. Is this an abstract mathematical problem you want answered as a matter of intellectual curiosity, or does not answering it cause some real world problems to you (like a higher fee from your supplier, for example)?

Also, do you have any options about which tanks the your gas pumps use? It would seem to me that if all the pumps were drawing for the same tank to pump gas into the customers’ cars, your problem would be simplified. You pump from one tank until it is almost empty and then switch to another. If certain tanks are dedicated to certain pumps, then you are dependent on your customers’s choices of which pump they use to fill up.

What’s so bad about splitting a compartment between tanks? Does it result in lost gas or do kittens get killed when you do it? Are you sure that this isn’t a homework problem?

In the basic form of this problem (absolutely no compartment-splitting or overfilling is allowed), there’s only 4 options for each truck compartment to go (Tank 1, Tank 2, Tank 3, or remain on the truck), therefore there’s 4^n possible combinations of gas, where n= the number of compartments in the truck.

For your example (4400, 4000, 3500, 3250, 3000 & 2500 liter compartments), there’s 4096 combinations of where to put them, many of which aren’t valid (will overfill one or more tanks). It’d be fairly simple to create a program (or even use something like Excel ) to generate all the combinations, check each one for validity, and rank them based on how close to completely full each combination will give you.

This problem gets more complex if you allow for compartment splitting or overfilling under certain scenarios. For instance, if a single tank split gets all of your tanks completely full with no room left over, is this better than a fill that requires no tank splits but leaves 500 liters of empty space? How about a 3-way split? How about an overfill of 100 liters?

I think people are being a bit too hostile. Even in professional environments, with people who are trained to do so, it can be hard to fully describe a problem so that it can be approached mathematically. If you haven’t been trained in optimization, how can you know what you need to know to be able to optimize?

Now, this is what I assume the problem is (in 2 parts)-

A) Fuel needs to put into tanks from compartments. All the fuel needs to put into the tanks. It takes a certain amount of effort to attach a compartment to a tank. You can fill part of more than 1 tank with a single compartment, but this requires detaching from the first tank then attaching to the second, something you wish to avoid if possible. Is there a way of selecting which compartments go to which tanks that reduces the total amount of times you fill a tank with a compartment?

B) The fuel in a tank is used up over time, and so it might be better to not split up a compartment’s load into multiple tanks and instead wait for a tank to depleted enough that it can be fully offload into a single tank (for example, 3000 L in a compartment, and 2990 capacity left in a tank. It is easier to just wait for 10 L from that tank to be used than to fill up another tank with the 10L)

I’ll approach A first, since B can be treated as an extension.

For anyone who has read the thread “Mathematicians: Is Linear Programming All That Useful?” and remained unconvinced of its usefulness, here is a perfect example of Linear Programming and Integer Programming.

We’ll start with an important concept in mathematical optimization in general, decision variables. Decision variables correspond either to decisions we make, or the consequences of those decisions. For this problem there are two important decision types-

Is a given compartment used to fill a given tank?
How much of a given compartment’s load is used to fill a given tank?

The first is a yes/no question. Often you describe yes/no questions mathematically with a variable that can take two values. If it is 0, that means the answer is no, and if it is 1 means yes. For this problem I used the variable y[sub]i,j[/sub] to mean that tank i has been filled by part of compartment j. For example, if any part of compartment 3 is used to fill tank 2, then y[sub]2,3[/sub] = 1. If no part of compartment 6 is used to fill tank 1 then y[sub]1,6[/sub] = 0. (I will use i to index the tank numbers and j to index the compartment numbers)

The second question is a quantitative one, it deals with litres of fuel used. There are two ways of treating this, either we have a variable corresponding to the amount of fuel from a compartment to a tank, or a variable corresponding to the proportion of a tank used. I chose the second, though it is very easy to switch to the first if wanted. This is given by x[sub]i,j[/sub], with the value corresponding to the proportion of compartment j put into tank i. For example, since there is 4400 L in compartment 1, x[sub]2,1[/sub] = 0.1 corresponds to 4400L*0.1 or 440L being put into tank 2 from compartment 1. Because it is a proportion, each x[sub]i,j[/sub] must be between 0 and 1 but can take on a fractional value.

I will use u[sub]i[/sub] to mean the amount of space left in tank i, and v[sub]j[/sub] to mean the amount of fuel in compartment j.

Now I have a way of describing what I choose to do, what do I have to do? There are two simple groups of constraint I need to have:

(1) Each compartment’s load must be put into tanks
(2) There is a capacity in each tank, fuel that goes into the tank cannot go above the volume left over.

How do we describe these mathematically? This is fairly easy, and can be described with what can be called linear constraints.

For every compartment:
All of it must be used, i.e. the sum of the proportions put into every tank is 1.

So, for compartment 4:
x[sub]1,4[/sub] + x[sub]2,4[/sub] + x[sub]3,4[/sub] == 1

So for (1), there is simply a constraint for every compartment which is a simple equality.

For every tank:
The amount of fuel put into the tank must be less than or equal to the volume left inside the tank:

So, for tank 1:
v[sub]1[/sub]x[sub]1,1[/sub] + v[sub]2[/sub]x[sub]1,2[/sub] + v[sub]3[/sub]x[sub]1,3[/sub]+v[sub]4[/sub]x[sub]1,4[/sub]+v[sub]5[/sub]x[sub]1,5[/sub] + v[sub]6[/sub]x[sub]1,6[/sub] <= u[sub]1[/sub]

For (2), for every tank there is an inequality that means we won’t overfill the tank.

In a sense, that’s it. I’ve fully described a linear program, which can be “solved” relatively easily by a linear program solver. It will produce a solution, which means giving each variable a value so that it fulfills all of the constraints. This looks a lot like the knapsack problem, but since the variables can be fractional it is actually a lot easier. However I haven’t included the last, most important bit, how good each solution is. This is called the objective function, which quantifies how good each solution is. We want to minimize the value of this objective function (you can turn a maximize into a minimize simply by multiplying the objective function by -1), and whatever solution or solutions have the lowest value out of all possible solutions are called optimal solutions, which we want to find at least one of. For our problem, we want to minimize the sum of times we fill a tank with a compartment. Even if a compartment is used a tiny bit to fill a tank it has the same setup time as fully emptying a compartment. This is why I created the y variables earlier. So:

We want to minimize the sum (over all i and j) of y[sub]i,j[/sub].

How do we make this variable work?

We need to introduce a new group of constraints, (3). This is to make the yes/no variable work. It is
For every tank/compartment (i,j) pair:
x[sub]i,j[/sub] <= y[sub]i,j[/sub]

So, if x[sub]2,3[/sub] is 1, y[sub]2,3[/sub] must be 1. If x[sub]2,3[/sub] is 0.5, y[sub]2,3[/sub] must be 1. If If x[sub]2,3[/sub] is 0, then y[sub]2,3[/sub] can be 0 or 1, but will be 0 because it wants to be as low as possible.

Now, what I have produced is no longer a Linear Program, since the y variables have to take a whole number value. Instead, this is a “Mixed Integer Linear Program”, which is sometimes shortened to Integer Program. A Linear Program solver won’t solve this, but an Integer Program solver will.

Now, does this work? How long does it take?
I wrote some code to solve this, in python using a free open source Integer Program solver.

For your initial problem, the code I put together finds a solution (tanks: compartments into that tank), with no compartment emptied into more than 1 tank:
1:4,6; 2:2, 3:1,3,5
This had an objective value of 0 (I put a -6 in the function above, since I am guaranteed to get a value of at least 6 (each compartment must emptied into a tank). Anything above 0 means the number of extra times I am forced to do)
It solved this in under a tenth of a second.

Then I solved it again and got
1:4; 2:5,6; 3:1,2,3
Once again in under a tenth of a second, with objective value of 0.

What about adding a new compartment (7) with 3000L in it?
This gives:
1:1; 2:4,5; 3:2,3,6,7
Once again under a tenth of a second, with objective value of 0.

Now, lets go back to the original 6 compartments, but then alter the amounts in each compartment. They are-
What does the solver find?
It tells us that we need to split up compartment 1 into more than 1 tank.
I’ll paste the results of the code:
Tank 1 space left: 0.0
Tank 2 space left: 10.0
Tank 3 space left: 0.0
Amount from Compartment 1 in Tank 1- 3090.0
Amount from Compartment 4 in Tank 1- 3250.0
Amount from Compartment 1 in Tank 2- 6710.0
Amount from Compartment 2 in Tank 3- 6000.0
Amount from Compartment 3 in Tank 3- 3500.0
Amount from Compartment 5 in Tank 3- 2000.0
Amount from Compartment 6 in Tank 3- 1500.0
Optimal Value 1.0
Time to solve: 0.350701053161

The time to solve is starting to get a bit high (for such a small problem), from a technical point of view (i.e. don’t worry if you don’t understand a word of this) there might be some inequalities you can put in to speed this up (if it was a knapsack problem then there are cover inequalities, however I don’t think they will work since the problem isn’t actually an integer knapsack problem).

Now, up till now I ignored part B) from the start of my post. Can I use Integer Programming to model that, or do I have to use something else? You can certainly try to model it with Integer Programming. Let’s assume we can deplete a tank, then we need a decision variable for each tank corresponding to the amount we deplete (let’s say z[sub]i[/sub]). Then we simply add + z[sub]i[/sub] to the right hand side of the (2) constraints. Now, how easy is it to deplete a tank? If there a maximum we can do, in which case it is a simple upper bound on the value of each z. Likewise we don’t want to rely on depletion if we don’t have to, so we have to add the z variables to the objective function. This is a hard part, which requires the people who deal with the problem to figure something out. How much depletion of a tank is preferrable to simply splitting up a compartment’s load? Is it that you’ll only do it for under 10L, or 20L, or 100L, or 1000L? Whatever the value, you simply have a co-efficient in the objective function for each Z equal to the 1 divided by the threshold.
Hopefully that wasn’t too technical, and that I got the problem right. Also I hope that I just didn’t do somebodies homework, though I doubt that.