Fulfilling a promise to myself

Ok, here goes.

I am a very shy person, and my New Years resolution this year was to make a real effort to meet more people.

Over the last month or so, I have made very little progress in this area IRL, mostly for reasons beyond my control. So, although I have lived up to my promise to “try” I have almost nothing to show for it.

Therefore, I have decided to to try to be more outgoing here. After all, I can reach a lot more Dopers in a day than I can “real” folk.

So, even though I’ve been here for awhile, I’ve decided to “introduce” myself.

All about me:

Let’s see, I’m 23, single and I live alone. I don’t have any kids, but I have a niece and a goddaughter that I borrow regularly. (I frequently refer to these children as spawnlings). I spell very badly.
For work I do product support for a company that sells chemicals for research. The rest of the time, I like to read, anything with words… I also like to sew, and do a bunch of different creative things. I really like the experience of taking a bunch of unimpposing starting material and making something that is useful, or appealing. I am also involved in Living history, and I will take any excuse to play outside.

Most importantly, I have not grown up, and really don’t want to.

Well, that’s all I can think of (I’m not real good at starting conversations). I am glad to have had the oppertunity to “meet” you all. and I will be happy to “talk” to anyone who responds (I only have a computer at work, so unfortunately, ICQ and AIM are out for me).

Thanks for listening,

PS As I said, I only have access at work, so please be patient if it takes me a bit of time to respond. :slight_smile:

Ack. Made a mistake right off the bat… I’m actually 26.
(I have no idea how I didn’t catch that)

Hello, Pandora. Pleased to make your acqaintance.

I’m older than you, have more kids, and live a long way away – But, hey, it’s a start!

Hi Pandora,

I too am shy and a poor speller. You should try an area dopefest. You can actually meet some dopers face to face.

Please to meet you Dr. Jackson. :slight_smile:
[You don’t have to be just like me for me to like you :slight_smile: ]

Nice to meet you Zebra
I had actually thought of going to a doperfest, but the only one in my area was in downtown Philly, and unfortunately, I could not get there (I don’t feel comfortable driving in city traffic, and there is no public transportation where I live… )
Hopefully someday I will manage one though.

(I really am trying to meet more people)

A woman who lies about her age upwards? I didn’t know such a thing existed!

OK, first thing’s first: ya got any hot chick photos?

It’s too bad you only like to read things with words. I was kinda hoping we could spend some time gazing upon pop-up books or Playboys. Oh BTW, I’m SDMB’s resident smartass. Please feel free to bitchslap me if I get out of line. Hmm…them’s good sig material there.

Oh yeah, I’m also king of Pointless Cultural References That Prove How Uselessly Smart I Amsup[/sup]. So, may I just say that while it was my curiousity that made me open this thread, I’m quite relieved that it was you that popped out, and not evil, disease, death, sickness, hatred, war, crime, and sorrow.

Oh, I have a friend that likes to crochet. She throws a fit if I ask her what she’s sewing, screaming “I’m not sewing. I’m crocheting, damnit!” Do you do the same thing?

Anywho, nice to meet you.

Hi Pandora.

Altho I can’t really relate to being shy, or living alone, or having a niece or goddaughter, or selling chemicals (not anymore, anyway), or reading anything with words, or sewing…

…uhhhh, where was I? Oh, I don’t wanna grow up either! That’s it! :smiley:

shakes hand

It’s a pleasure to meet you!

Living history?

You mean there are other people out there - real, live, breathing people - who like history too?

I thought I was the only one. People always say I’m living in the past, too …

[sub]Also, I refuse to grow up, but I will be an adult about it.[/sub]

It’s a pleasure to make your acquintance, Pandora.

(See? That wasn’t so hard. You’re doing very well! :))

One question. You’re not a cat person are you? Because I’m allergic to cat people.

Oh and don’t worry about not being very outgoing or being shy when meeting new people. It’s been my experience that most people one meets turn out to be a huge disappointment… except here on SDMB, natch!

*Originally posted by Enderw24 *
A woman who lies about her age upwards? I didn’t know such a thing existed!

Actually believe it or not, I have trouble remembering my age. My family never acknowledged birthdays, and I tend not to notice years at a time. I know it sounds crazy, but I stopped keeping track of my age when I turned 21 and didn’t have to worry about being carded.

OK, first thing’s first: ya got any hot chick photos?

ahhh… nope. I may be a bit of a flirt… but I’m not the kinda girl people take pictures of.

It’s too bad you only like to read things with words. I was kinda hoping we could spend some time gazing upon pop-up books or Playboys.

You are talking to someone who reads toothpast tubes and ceral boxes when nothing else is around… but pop-up books are just plain COOL!

Oh BTW, I’m SDMB’s resident smartass. Please feel free to bitchslap me if I get out of line. Hmm…them’s good sig material there.

I can be a bit of a smartass myself once I get past the shy thing. (which seems to be much easier in writing than in person)

Oh yeah, I’m also king of Pointless Cultural References That Prove How Uselessly Smart I Amsup[/sup]. So, may I just say that while it was my curiousity that made me open this thread, I’m quite relieved that it was you that popped out, and not evil, disease, death, sickness, hatred, war, crime, and sorrow.

good catch, now pay no attention to the pretty box in the corner… I know it has a pretty red bow on it… but it’s not for you … ok?

Oh, I have a friend that likes to crochet. She throws a fit if I ask her what she’s sewing, screaming “I’m not sewing. I’m crocheting, damnit!” Do you do the same thing?
nope… I promise not to do that… (besides, I don’t know how to crochet :stuck_out_tongue: )

Anywho, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Oh, and idiotboy,
Wanna go to Toys-R-us with me… I want to get a pogo stick for when all of this snow finally melts.


Well, there’s no more snow here in Columbus, Ohio. It got up to 40 today (a heat wave!) and now most of the snow’s gone. But I’ll still go to Toys-R-Us! Altho I have to admit, I was never very good at pogo sticks…can I just get one of those big red bouncy rubber balls with the handles? I do much better on them! :smiley:

And it is supposed to get up to 60 tomorrow!

Yeah, I know! I’m gonna have to bust out the shorts and Hawaiian shirts! Ohio’s going tropical!!! :smiley:

Hi Pandora,

I was just taking a look at your profile and anyone that lists one of their primary interests as “Vodka” is gonna’ do fine around here.

Good lord, woman! You know where to find Pop-Up Playboys?!? I gotta see one of those.

Now then, I’m 30, married, no kids, and a recent transplant to Dallas. No snow here, but it’s supposed to get up to 72 degrees today, that’s just horrible.:rolleyes:

Keep an eye out for Crunchy Frog’s welcome wagon. I’d provide a link, but too lazy to find it myself. But, it’s a funny thread, a good way to find out about other newbies (I think I’m on the first page), and get abused by the SDMB’s resident Frog.

Well, nice to meet you. I think you’ll like it here.

Yep… Last time I check I was indeed a real breathing person, and I love history.

Most of the living history stuff I do is mid to late 18th century, mostly local in PA. One of the highlights of my volunteer work has been watching more than a thousand Rev. war reenactors hold a 2 day mock battle on the property of the historic site where I do most of my volunteer work.

Great stuff, and amazingly real.

ooooh Do they make those bouncy ball thingies big enough for adults?!?!?!?! I love those. I still have mine from when I was I kid, but it’s so small, that I can’t use it.

I’m still waiting for the snow to melt but it is getting warmer :slight_smile:

hmmm… pop-up books are fun to make… now I know what to make all of my guy friends for <insert festive winter gift exchanging holiday here> next year :slight_smile: Thanks for the idea guys.

Nice to meet you Tommy, and I hope you are enjoying the lovely spring like weather in Texas :slight_smile:

Nope, I definately assure you I am not a cat person, I’m allergic to cats. Right now, I really really want to get a puppy. I’m just waiting until the time is right.

Loads of hugs to everyone who responded, and thanks for all of the welcomes. I’ve been around here for over a year now, but I’m just starting to speak up. I’m really happy that my attept at being more outgoing is going so well.

-Pandora :slight_smile:

Another scorcher here in SoFla. Sorry.

Pandora, pleazedtameecha! I rarely get to see my underling nieces and nephews, as they are in SC, NC, and NY. But I am 34, single again, blush easily, so I must be shy at heart, live alone with my cat (hands Quicksilver a tissue). My home PC committed suicide, so I am only on at work, also. Make it out to a DopeFest, or even host one! I’ve been to just one, but it was cool putting faces and names to screen names.

Let shyness veil thy face no more
Nor lock thy voice in silent shroud
Your company is craved, adored
By all the humble SD crowd

So welcome! Chat and share and mix!
Assuredly we’ll not ignore a
Lovely lady, 26
With nom-de-post sweet as ‘Pandora’


  • SDMB resident versifier

Hello Uncle Bill :slight_smile:
Nice to meet you too.
Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depending on the day) my spawnlings both live less than 5 miles from me… I see then all the time, and get pressed into babysitter duty a bit more often than I might like. But I also get to spoil them :slight_smile: Which is a lot of fun.
While I’m not a cat fan, I’m glad you are happy with your cat… I’m planning on getting a puppy to keep me company.
And since you are a “work only” doper (like me)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you sooooo much. No one has ever written a poem for me before. What a nice thing to do.
I’m very happy to have met you, and I hope you have a lovely day. You made me smile, and I hope karma returns that smile to you


Well, they sure as hell better! :smiley: If not, I’ll be writing a nasty letter to the President of Whammo™!