Fun video games for grown-ups that don't take themselves so seriously (like Lego Star Wars)

What are some video games that have an emphasis on fun & humor as well as action and adventure? We really dug the Lego Star Wars and Indiana Jones and are looking for something new.

Since we’re adults, we’re looking for something that isn’t exclusively a “kid’s game.” The Lego installments walked that line pretty well. I also feel like the Nintendo’s Mario series do a pretty good job at that as well. (For the record, we have a PS2.)

Any thoughts?

I’m not sure if it counts, but I’m gonna go with Pyschonauts. Cartoony graphics, pretty much a platformer but very fun for adults. Actually, some parts of it may scare kids, so maybe not.

But it’s still an awesome game.

For consoles, Earthbound and Mother 3. The graphics are simplistic and cartoonish, and the games have a very quirky sense of humor and neither story is terribly complex, but it’s good. It’s hard to explain but it is. Mother 3 is a little darker then Earthbound though, such as some of the events in the first chapter.

Oh, and pretty much any of the traditional Lucasarts graphic adventures. Full Throttle and the Dig are more mature, while Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle and most of the others are less serious. Grim Fandango is like a Film Noir with skeletons(but a great sense of humor).

The Sam and Max games from Telltale also hit this line pretty well, and are maybe a little lighter then the original Sam and Max.

I assume God of war and GTA are out.

I have no good advice. All my games involve killing people.

If you have a PS2, you need to go out and buy Okami. Like, right now. Beautiful, funny, great gameplay, and if you happen to know anything about Japanese myths and legends the story value is doubled (even though it stands very well on its own).

I loved Okami, and it is a great game. But I wouldn’t recommend it here, because it just isn’t that funny. Sure there are broad comic bits with Issun, but by and large it wasn’t funny. It was a great story with good characters and amazing gameplay, but funny? Not really.

One I’d recommend is Grim Fandango. I’ve also heard the Monkey Island series are pretty good. But those are more adventure games than actions. Psychonauts was pretty great too.

An oldie, but a goodie: Conker’s Bad Fur Day. I can’t say enough good about this game - it’s just outstanding. Originally released for the Nintendo 64 (I think), I seem to recall that it was re-released for another platform. And on googling: Wikipedia says a remake is available on Xbox.

It’s really not at all for kids, though - there’s drinking, sex, swearing, and violent cut scenes. It’s an outstanding game.

Portal. Seriously, if you haven’t played it yet you are missing out on one of the best games of the past decade.

How new are you looking for? The other Lego game (that I know of) for PS2, Lego Batman, is the best of the bunch…at least on DS…the PS2 entries are somewhat different, but still…

But the best goofball games for PS2 are the Katamari games (Katamari Damacy and We :heart: Katamari). (There are also sequels for PSP, XBox 360, PS3 and iPhone, if you have any of those.)

I cannot believe I forgot that one. Spot on.

Can you get portal on a PS2? I thought it was just 360, PC and PS3.

The newish Ghostbusters game was fun, but there is no teamwork aspect of it.

Oh, reminds me : Overlord (1 and 2, although I never finished n°2) are good fun. They’re essentially a mix of puzzle game and strategy. You play the Overlord, a stereotypical fantasy villain, leading his hordes of goblins around. The goblins are cute, stupid, and completely devoted to you.
Your goal is, essentially, to conquer and plunder the lands around your Evil Tower, enslave the locals and kill their old masters. Sounds dreadful, but it’s all done in funny ways. The dialogues and scenarios were written by Rhianna Pratchett, Terry’s daughter, if that’s any indication.

I have almost finished the Lego Indiana Jones (completely stumped on two bits of treasure…) would love to get the new Lego Batman and didn’t even know there was a Star Wars one… time to hunt.

I’ll reiterate that Fable 2 was engaging…

I just saw Lego Batman yesterday at Best Buy for $20 in the PS3 section - I’m sure it’s on sale in the PS2 section as well.

On the PS2?

I’m not being snarky. Is it really available? I’ll buy it immediately if it is.

No, it’s not. Just the 360, PS3 and PCs.

I was going to show up and recommend Katamari Damacy and We <3 Katamari. But someone already has, so…seconded.

Also, I should point out that I didn’t find the LEGO games to be particularly “funny”. Sure, they had humorous moments, but mostly, the gameplay was just gameplay. So it doesn’t seem the OP needs a joke a minute to be entertained.

That’s exactly right.

Also, thanks for all feedback so far. It’s interesting to see how restricted the choices get when you factor in console compatibility.

Scanning down the thread I gather that so far you are talking about a different sort of video game than the spouse and I play.

We have gotten two years of enjoyment from the 9 ball game on the WII demonstration disk. We can crank up the sophistication and skill level by requiring a combination shot each time or something similar to ‘English Billiards’ where we clear the board down to two numbered balls and the cue ball and require one cushion or two cushions between shots.

Gah, i did read the OP but i lost track of what PS console was the current one. No, sadly no Portal unless you have a latest generation console. A PC a few years old should be able to run it with no problems though, and its certainly worth it.