Fun With Spell-Check

Typo Knig emailed me the other day about MS Word wishing to change “baselining” with “Vaselining”. Kinky.

Names can also be entertaining. Word once suggested that a colleague was “kaput” and another was a “swindler” (or was it “seedier”?). Both of them being fairly decent fellows, I turned down Word’s advice and left their names unchanged.

Missed errors can also be fun. There was the time a colleague of mine nearly sent out a client deliverable which referenced “Pubic Housing”. :eek: :smack:

Add yours. If name-based, include the name if you don’t think it’ll lead to embarassment (both of the names I referenced above are unusual enough that I wanted to omit them).

My username merely becomes “Shoeshine.”

Once saw a supervisor send a mass email out asking for Shit Coverage after someone called off from work.

Following my Doper name, these are typos rather than humoruous correction attempts.

One time I typed “SIC Coed” instead of SIC Code. I knew a sick coed once, but I got even with her - I married her. :smiley:

At the last second I fixed an email about to go to the client so the word “program” was NOT spelled “prograsm”. :eek: I guess a prograsm is a program you really, really enjoy running. But as it gets older you have to wait longer between runs if you want it to start …

Another time I mis-typed “computer” as “cumputer”. That must be a computer dedicated to pr0n. See also, 99% of the internet. :rolleyes: Also fixed before it went to the client! (Where’s a “whew!” smiley now that I need one?)

In a report to the client I had “complete din” instead of “completed in”. Went right past the spelling checker. Things weren’t that noisy. :smack:

Now I know what word to use when referring to any PC with one of those keyboard protector overlays. Thanks!

One of the funnier things about the spellcheck for Firefox is that ‘Firefox’ isn’t included in its dictionary. (Nor is ‘spellcheck’.)

I went to grad school in Hanover, NH. Spell check always tried to correct it as “Hangover”. Now, the place isn’t New Orleans but Animal House was based on a Dartmouth frat and written by former students. I think spellcheck was trying to crack an AI joke if you ask me.

Every time I type “shit” my spellcheck wants to make it “Shiite”. I love that! In fact, I find myself sometimes saying things like “I can’t stand that Shiite” and then having a little chuckle.

Without revealing my full name, spellcheck always wants to make my middle & last name “Latrine Grabber”


“Mama Zappa” = “Mama Zapper”. Boh-ring.
“Typo Knig” = “Typo King”. Boh-ring squared
“Xanthous” = “Xanthium(s)” - what on earth is that?
“Tengu” = things like Tango, tinge, tongue, tang, tonga,
“Catsix” = catsup (or if you must, “cat six”)
“KneadtoKnow” has stumped MS Word :confused:
“Shagnasty” = “Shag nasty”. How unoriginal :slight_smile:

I may make that my new sig!

Vaselining does improve network speed and performance, thereby increasing end-user satisfaction levels. At least at the physical layer.

I had to ban spell check for one of the people I did editing and proofing for because he would just accept whatever was recommended. Many times I had to go over and ask him what he was trying to say because after spell check it was no longer comprehensible. Since he was also dyslexic, the word choice was sometimes not even close to what was supposed to be there. Thankfully, he has moved on to become someone else’s problem.

Not a typo, not a spell check error… but really funny.
My sister received an email from a colleague asking if she could send again to another colleague an email he had sent her.

She replied: “I resent your email.”

He wrote back all apologetic about offending her and meant no harm etc etc.

??? Was my sister’s thought- such confusion! What had she said to make him feel the need to apologize???
Finally clarification!

Resent (re-sent, as in to send again) and resent (as in to take offense) are spelled the same way, yet pronounced oh so differently!

I once had a spell checker try to change the surname LeBeau to “labia.”


It’s a type of flower, also known as the Cocklebur. Firefox’s spellcheck does not like that name, however. It suggests Xanthippe, Xanthus, and, oddly, Dilithium.

OpenOffice doesn’t recognize half the words in my thesis. It recommends “verbalization” for “globalization” and suggests that when I saw “unfractured” I really mean “fractured.” I am tempted to do an auto-correct and hand it in to see how my advisor would react.

One of my favorites usually comes pre-programed in the MS Word AutoText. It will automatically change “doe snot” into “does not.” I have to admit, it has a point – I cannot think of many places outside of veterinary or wildlife services that someone will knowingly and deliberately type “doe snot.”

In my scientific manuscripts, word consistently tries to replace “germline” with “gremlin”. Maybe I should try to submit a paper on gremlins to the Journal of Biochemistry.

Word used to try change a friend of mines name to Hooligan - couldnt have picked a more appropriate name :stuck_out_tongue: