Funniest 404 page I've ever seen!

Check out this 404 page. It’s pretty funny, if you ask me! :smiley:

Well nobody asked you! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

But it is quite funny! :smiley:

…anyone know how to get lip chap off of a computer screen?

LMAO That’s great, QED, I couldn’t stop laughing.

Here’s another one.

Quote the server, nevermore.

A personal fav of mine

Meet the depressed web server!

Oops, upon preview I see it is a variant of that_darn_cat’s link, but I don’t think they’re identical.

Hehehe - very funny! :slight_smile:

I used to know of something similar that was modelled on Marvin the Paranoid Android, but have lost the link.

Now looking forward to trying the darn cat’s link too.

Thanks, Q.E.D.

LOL - looks as though I now know where to get to the Marvin-type one again. Terrific!


If you hold the cursor over the button for it on your taskbar it says “Hey! Where’s the hell’s my bitch-ass page?”

The 404 Research Lab. A collection of 404 messages.

Hit submit too soon… :smack:
Another 404 list.

It just keeps going, doesn’t it…?

If you mean the one I posted, it ends eventually.

Actually, when I posted the 404 pages above, I suppose I should have provided a link to my favorite.

Oh, these are funny! I love it! Except I have this stupid huntbar thing on my computer, and it takes a few minutes to get off the huntbar 404 Not Found page to refresh to the ones you linked to… oh, well! Still a blast!

Damn you. I had work to do this afternoon, but I guess that’s no longer going to happen, is it?


Quoth the raven, four-oh-four.

Acutally, [url=]this one[/url is better done.

I was going through the first link that tanstaafl posted I found a 404 file from Opals site.
It’s under the silly catagory named coolest file.