… in another thread. I thought instantly of the last thread I really loved reading - the “funniest sit-com scene” thread. I know a “funniest film scene” thread has probably been done time and time again - but I’ve never seen one, and I am sure there are many many dopers who would love to read and contribute to another one.
I also loved the scene where the deaf guy discribes his appreciation of the blind guy and ends up saying something like “except that you drove me into ten thousand tonnes of garbage!”
I remember very little of gene’s words, but know I found it very very funny - so I’d appreciate it if anyone who has it fresh in their minds could post it to this thread.
I don’t know why this one comes to mind. It certainly isn’t the funniest and it’s more of a line than a scene but it does win an underdog award:
Movie: Dogma
Scene: Table at some diner. Linda Fiorentino’s character is trying to convince Jay and Silent Bob’s characters to take her to New Jersey on some important “mission.”
Jay: “Whooaaaaa I feel like I’m Hans Solo, he’s Chewy, and your Obi-wan and we’re in that FUCKED UP BAR!”
The scene in airplane when Leslie Neilsons character is slapping the hysterical woman to calm her down, there is a large queue of people behind him waiting to take over the task and each person has a weapon more violent than the last.
That in itself does not make me laugh, but the bit when Neilson passes the slapping task over to the next person and he just manages to get in that last final farewell slap as he is walking away always cracks me up.
The scene in Spaceballs where after a chase and a perilous leap through rapidly closing doors, the pursuer finally thinks he has caught the heroes, then it turns out he has caught their ‘stunt doubles’ has to be seen to be believed, you will laugh for days.
The scene in My Cousin Vinny where the lawyer gets up to cross examine a witness and starts stuttering. It was hysterical because it came right out of left field. The guy usually speaks normally but speaking in court just makes him very nervous. My friend actually fell on the floor at the theater he was laughing so hard.
Probably not meant to be as funny as it was - There was a scene in a movie (which I can’t remember the name of) where a girl pulls up in a car, after hearing she’s passed her driving test she leaps out of the car, only she’s forgotten to take off the seatbelt so gets pulled right back in.
Rat Race - the whole set up where the jewish guy ends up (inadvertantly) pretending to be hitler in front of a crowd od WW2 veterans.
Hot Shots Part Deux.
When Charile Sheen’s Topper Harley is propelled through the air and lands head first on the ground. Then his partners help him up, he says:
“That’s right Cyndi it’s 20 minuites pat the hour and now here’s the Buckinghams with ‘Kind of a Drag’”
Then he passes out.
I laughed louder than anyone in the threatre.
The Princess Bride* The “battle of wits” scene between Westley and Vinzzini:
Vizzini: “You’ve heard of Homer, Aristotle, Plato?”
Westley: “Yes”
Vizzini: “Morons”
Arthur* The scene in the restaurant, where Arthur says “You’re a hooker?!?! I thought I was just doing incredibly well with you!”
I totally agree. There was a similar scene in the first Hot Shots. John Cryer (Washout) has just been ejected from a plane, parachuted to the ground and had his parachute caught in an ambulance door. After being dragged several miles to a hospital he stands up just as Charlie Sheen pulls up on his motorcycle.
Charlie: Washout, man I’m glad you made it.
Cryer: (wobbling) Why thank you Andre, I’ll have the Veal Picatta. (Falls over)
The final scene of Dumb and Dumber where the bus full of Hawaiian Tropic models pulls up next to our two heroes as they walk along a lonely stretch of highway.
Model: We’re looking for two guys to come along on our tour to oil us down (or something to that effect).
Lloyd: Well, your’re in luck because there’s a town about 3 miles down the road. I’m sure you’ll be able to find some help there.
Lloyd (to Harry): You know, I think our luck is starting to turn.
That part kills me every time. Thank god that TNT has the good sense to play the movie 18 times a week.
In Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sex, Woody Allen’s trying to help a frigid and nervous Louise Lasser achieve an orgasm.
They’re sitting on the bed and he pulls out a vibrator and assures her this will do the trick. She reluctantly sgrees and stares at it in wide-eyed amazement.
But when he then reaches over and plugs it in, it humms for a second and then starts shaking violently and sparks and flame start shooting out the tip.