Funny goofs our parents committed

When we were kids, our parents didn’t want us to gobble the Halloween candy they were going to hand out–after all, the three of us kids would collect our own goodies trick-or-treating than night. Anyway, a few nights before Halloween, our mother hid the candy in a bag and forgot where she put it–until she went out that evening with trash, to the incinerator (they were legal where we lived until 1957), dropped the bag of “trash” into the incinerator, tossed a lighted match in, closed the door–and then remembered where the candy was! Mom :o
A few years later we often bought “shepherd’s bread,” which came unsliced. To keep us from having a slice of bread-and-butter when we came home from school (and save the bread for dinner), Mom hid the package in a covered pan on a back burner on the stove. Then, one time, she switched on the burner–and remembered an instant too late where the bread package was, when she smelled burning cellophane! Us :D; Mom :o
Please post here your parents’ funny mistakes.

My parent’s funniest mistake has got to be me.

I’d say my brother, but I’m older, so it’s more likely he was on purpose.

My mom had new carpet put in her kitchen a few years back. Shortly after, she set a hot oven rack down on the floor to rearrange the other one. It melted itself right into the carpet! For years, there was a hard, sharp edge where the oven rack had stuck. My father and siblings were just glad it hadn’t been one of us!

Yeah, I wouldn’t want a hot oven rack melted into my head, either.


Hard candies!

And the occassional Mary Jane!

They not only suck good, they really suck real

Current board events prohibit me from posting my sig line.

BTW, Doudie is a {cum sucking bastard of bovine genealogy} dick-weed!

Current board events prohibit me from posting my sig line.

Once upon a time, Mom thought I should answer an ad that solicited actresses who Must be over 18, no experience necessary No, she wasn’t that desperate to get me out of the house, just takes her a while to catch on sometimes. Ask her how long she was in the bar before realizing it was a brothel…

I don’t really anyhting particularly embarrassing that my parents did, besides maybe all the times Mom’s laughed just because Dad said Jockstrap. (don’t ask)

Stupid people surround themselves with smart people. Smart people surround themselves with smart people who disagree with them. - Isaac Jaffee

1.0 Remove Tupperware from cabinet in order to clean and repaper cabinet
2.0 Discover available counter space too limited to accept all Tupperware
3.0 Place excess Tupperware in oven
4.0 Begin cleaning and repapering cabinet
5.0 Energize self-cleaning cycle of oven
6.0 Remember Tupperware in oven only after oven reaches temperature point at which oven door locks
7.0 Refuse to answer question: “What’s that smell?”

I was about 19 or 20. (I am not making this up)

My father called me up and was leaving a message on the phone when my step-mom picked up another extension and started to dial. My step-mom listened for a sec.

my dad said, “You wanna fuck.”
Step-mom, < giggle >
Dad “Oh geez, I think this is on Liz’s machine.” < total suprise in his voice >
Step-mom, “That wasn’t your father, it was some terrible man” < embarrassed as hell >
Both of them laughing for sec and hung up.

Talk about funny, I after I heard the message I laughed for 15 minutes and tried real hard not to giggle when I finally called him.

I held on to that tape for a while, I wish I knew what I did with it!

Hey TechChick, I made a reference to you today in a thread about a PC problem. Did you see it? I just don’t remember were. Gee that was helpful, huh? Anyway, my story about my mom is pretty lame compared to yours, but I always thought it was funny. Mom is a voracious reader. One day she was reading a book and decided to get a little snack. When she got back to her chair she couldn’t find her book. She was mad as hell at us for two days. She thought we were playing a joke on her. She finally found the book in the back of the refrigerator a couple of days later.


My folks were traveling in California and made reservations at a B&B in San Francisco they had picked out of the AAA guidebook. When they arrived, the noted how clean and well appointed it was, and checked into their room. The next morning at breakfast, it slowly dawned on them that all the other guests were guys…pairs of guys… As it turned out, my very Republican parents got to talking with the other guests, found them to be quite charming, and they enjoyed their stay there completely.


“Believe those who seek the truth.
Doubt those who find it.” --Andre Gide

To Chief Scott:
Would you mind explaining that remark? Is that something you wouldn’t dare say to me face to face? Are you glad you have the SDMB to hide behind? You had better clarify this…


If you happen to remember the thread, let me know…you can even email me with it, just reference SDMB :slight_smile: