Funny Lifeline info

On Who wants to be a millioniare? my Dad knew a contestant. She only got to be in the initial question part, and she was too slow, but she had a wierd name on her lifeline list.

She works for the Mayor as an administrative aide here in Chicago. She submitted his name for a phone-a-friend. Could you imagine someone calling Mayor Richard M. Daley to answer a question?

LOL, do you have to actually know the people on your lifeline list? Wouldn’t it be funny to call up Ben Stein or Stephen Hawking? Who was dying over the guy that didn’t know Samuel Clemens’ pen name? Whoa!

I imagine they call them and set things up first. She obviously ran it by him first and he said OK.

*voguevixen: Who was dying over the guy that didn’t know Samuel Clemens’ pen name? Whoa! *

I certainly was! I though that that bit of trivia was ingrained in every schoolchild since at least the beginning of the century.

That was almost as bad as the guy in August that thought Hannibal crossed the Alps with llamas!