fushj00mang is an Asshole

I’m not looking for a fight here, just trying to be a nice guy. And I’m having too nice a day to get into a pissing contest over what amounts to nothing. Time to log out.

We should lock fush00mang and Aldebaran together. Now THAT would be the fight of a lifetime!

You know what’s really against the rules? Joke Pit threads, or Pit threads full of fun and games. You young whippersnappers just wait 'till Lynn gets a hold of this. OOooh, you just wait.

What the hell?

Not looking for a fight, either, just responding to your post.

And at least your city isn’t on fire! :frowning:


I do not specifically recall being smacked by the Mods. Or, do you mean others on the boards?

No, I meant the way the Moderators have treated other posters on this board in the past, not you.


I’m gonna have to correct ya on this one Esprix. I don’t believe the rule about trolling applies here. Looks like fush isn’t trying to get a rise out of us on general principle. He’s just being a jerk. As has been admitted.

If I’m not mistaken though, there is a rule about not being a jerk.

Thank you for that note of clarity, Celtic.


It looks like fushj00mang is another one of those people who thinks loudly proclaiming shameful and ignorant viewpoints is somehow a badge of raw individuality. How original. I would stick around to point and laugh at him, but lately I’m coming to the conclusion that the irredeemably stupid are more sad than funny.


Nice driveby. Cite?

Did you try looking at the links in the OP, fush? I do believe that’s all the cite we need to see you’re an asshole.


Ah, it speaks. Well, fush, much as I’d love to waste my time laying out a careful point-by-point analysis of your assholery, that’s already been covered on the first page of this thread. However, for future reference, please use the following equation:

homophobe = asshole

fushj00mang = homophobe

therefore fushj00mang = asshole.

Esprix has patiently and with great eloquence tried to convince you of the error of your ways. He has failed, and if Esprix can’t accomplish this task, then you are truly a lost cause. We will lament your stupidity, and mourn you as one of the irreparably stupid.

Well, not really. Probably you’ll just go find someplace else to spew your garbage-laden rhetoric and every now again someone will bring up your username and cause the rest of us to laugh uproariously.


Actaully, I was calling for a cite on this:

What part is ‘shameful,’ and ‘ignorant?’ I’ve voiced a viewpoint that differs from what you believe to be ‘correct.’ You know, I have yet to say that Esprix is wrong in his viewpoint, although by your own account I can call his choice of lifestyle ‘shameful’ and ‘ignorant.’ Your attitude can and is often referred to by a few different things. Facist. Nazi (yes I know that they are, after a sense, one in the same.) Goof. Idiot. Right winger. Left winger. Lacky.

Your analogy is suspect too. If you’d simply gone ‘asshole=fushj00mang,’ it would have been correct. Seeing as you’ve equated me to homophobia, which is an incorrect assumption, you’ve invalidated all of it.

My opinion is different from yours. Yes. I present my opinion in a way that is ‘rude’ or ‘upsetting’ to others. So?

You assume that I am the one who’s opinions are in error. Again, I have yet to say one way or the other. While I hold my own opinions as valid, I do not discredit yours or others. Yet, I’m the ‘irreparably stupid’ one. I may be ‘irreparably stupid,’ but at least I’m not ignorant and bigoted in such a way as to close my mind and, in the vein of the average six year old, hum ‘la la la, I’m not listening!’ Disagree with my opinions all you want, but you must realize that they are as valid as yours.

And if you disagree, well, that’s up to you.

Could you tell me a little more about this lifestyle I have? I seem to be a little unclear on what you mean…



That’s drawing back to the “Lesbian Phone” thread, with you being gay and all. Just heaping scorn on Ratty’s driveby. That’s it.

Yes, but you didn’t answer the question. I’m always curious what people think about my “gay lifestyle,” as I’m unclear what, exactly, that is. Please, shed some light on it for me.
