G-Rated Ejaculations

Didn’t Ron Burgundy utter, “By the beard of Zeus” or some such classical oath, in Anchorman?

Watching my brother remodel his house, I was reminded that “Great!” (Especially if preceeded by “oh” as in “oh, great!”) usually means the opposite- as in spackle dropped on the floor.

Two from my Grandparents:

“Jiminy Christmas!”


“Oh My Stars and Garters!”

And let’s not forget this classic from Almost Famous:

“Feck You!!”


G-Rated Ejaculations? Jesus, I feel dirty just reading that.

But a few of my favorites are:

"Rat farts" - from the classic Caddyshack

"Shucky darn" - sounds so stupid I can’t stand it

"Help me, Jesus" - my boss likes to say this whenever something minor happens to him, like when he drops a piece of paper. I like this one in particular, always brings a smile to my face.

My GF uses “Oh, for crying in the night!”

I’m prone to “Goodness!”

You could also go with Rocky (as in “and Bullwinkle”): Hokey Smoke!

And then there’s the semi-unintelligible Yosemite Sam style: “Brassa-frackin’-frickin’-frackin’…”


I occasionally use “frick” or “frack”

Or, more often lately, it’s been “frick and frack!”

I’m another who utters Jeezopete with some regularity. I was goaded into intensifying this expression today. It became Jeezofreekinpete.

Holy Simoleyons! is a favorite expression of surprise.

I try to remember to say Cribbins! but I usually forget.

And there’s the always popular Criminey bimeny.

Apparently I like rhymes.

I though this was going to be about g rated ejaculations, like when a couple on TV or the movie started to kiss then you get a cut away seen to Old Faithful, or a wildcat oil strike. This in more like g rated interjections.

Well… I do. I’ve also been know to use “bunk” and “twaddle”.

But then I suspect I’m partially fossilized.

Usually under my breath, I sometimes utter “frell” or “for goodness’ sake” :slight_smile:


Another meaning of “ejaculation” is a short invocation of the deity or saints – things like “Lord have Mercy!”, “Glory be!”, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph!”, “By Jove!”, etc. (In the old days, Catholic kids would be advised in their catechetical schooling that you should say a lot of ejaculations. That seems to have been dropped as the age at which they learned the other meaning of “ejaculation” kept going down :smiley: ; can you imagine a kindly old nun telling a bunch of modern-day 11 year olds she encourages frequent ejaculations? She’d have to break out the Taser.)

In which league I am partial to “Sweet Jesus on a roller skate!”

When I was in Catholic school the nuns insisted we make “Spiritual Bouquets” – cards with offerings of certain numbers of prayers. "Five "Our Father"s, Ten "Hail Mary"s, 30 "Glory Be"s…

… and 500 Ejaculations.

Get your minds out of the gutters Right now!

Remembered a few more…

"For cri-yi!" (Wisconsin-ese)
"Christmas turkey!"(some straitlaced Southerner I read about)
"Dingo’s kidneys!" (Douglas Adams)

I’ve taken to exclaiming “Crivens!” lately. We’ve got some little blue devils to thank for that one.

My mom alsways used to proclaim Jesus Mary and Joseph!

little pagan lad that I was, I didn’t quite know who this Marian person was. :smiley:

I use also, when in mixed company


Blast it!



Son of a Bichon!


And some of my current WTF? outbursts

** Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

What in gay hell? -blatantly ripped off from the flaminist homo ever to ho a mo, mike. (being straight, that’s just amusing as hell to me)

Whatafutmaday (WTF, sort of, in dutch)

Oh, and I almost forgot this.

What in the thundering blue hell? (kinda pg, but when done properly it’s definately R)

I started to type this one in an email a few minutes ago:

Well, I swannee!. (or, alternately, I swan!

It’s an old Southernism.

Gee whiskers, I’m making mental notes as I read. I love to complain, so I can really use the variety. :slight_smile: