Click here if you dare:
Cute, but not quite as cute as the White Stripes kitties. Speaking of that, where can they be found, (the cat/White Stripes thingee.)
Click here if you dare:
Cute, but not quite as cute as the White Stripes kitties. Speaking of that, where can they be found, (the cat/White Stripes thingee.)
I just checked my email an hour ago, and my boss had email me this link.
Just curious, WSLer, where did you find this link?
Did this little animation just hit the 'net today or something? I mean, it’s wierd that I get it sent to me, then an hour later someone’s posted the same link here!
And, actually, this isn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened…
WOW - Viking Kitties! So funny!
actually we discussed this a week ago in a thread…
It’s like deja vu, all over again!
I can’t listen to that track on the radio anymore without giggling.
WSLer, I could hug you right now! I started off this morning feeling pretty down and this Board wasn’t helping for a change, then I watched that bit of silliness. Thanks.
Fear them, for they are truly mighty!
The sad part is, that music video is better than 95% of what’s on MTV and VH1 (or, if you insist, MTV2 and whatever VH1’s second station is. )
Is there anything Kitties can’t do?
Bloody brilliant!
I found it on a list of Links O’ The Day on the 98rock website. http://www.98rockonline When you get to the site, click on the Kirk, Mark & Lopez link on the left side of the page, then click on the Recent Links o’ the Day.
The way the last 2 days have been going I could use a hug. Glad I was able to brighten your day, or at least make it stop raining for a few minutes.