gaining weight after a traffic accident, need info.

in the past year and a half i have been in two auto accidents (neither my fault). since the first accident i have gained almost forty pounds (am now 230 lbs) after having a stabile weight for almost thirty years.

i have read and heard that soft tissue damage, which i have from the accidents, can cause weight gain. i am having trouble dealing with the insurance companies on this and am trying to find related info on the internet. i want to tie soft tissue damage directly to weight gain. lack of mobility plays a big part, depression even more.

can anyone steer me to some hard evidence sites?

I think it would be more likely that the lack of mobility and the resulting lack of exercise due to the soft tissue damage would be the cause main cause. In that case, it’s a no-brainer and probably not something you really have to prove. I think, but IANAL.

I friend of mine got the crap scared out of him by a shark down in Mexico. He immediately started putting on tons of weight even though his appetite and intake had not increased. Doctor said it had something to do with his Thyroid or some gland going haywire from the scare.

Sorry lieu but that sounds dubious in the extreme.

What most likely happens is decreased activity after trauma, and increased use of food and caloric beverage as some sort of comfort measure. IMHO.