Gaining Weight

OK - This sounds like a stupid question, but I don’t think it is:

If, at 9:00 on a Monday morning, I eat a 5-pound bag of M&M’s, will I gain more than 5 pounds?

I asked my family members… they laughed at me and said, “Of course!”

Then I challenged them to explain why.

“Well…” they began, “your body will combine the sugars and fats in the candy with other compounds in your body to make fat.”

“Yes,” I answered. “But the laws of conservation of matter insists that those new combinations can not be any more massive than their component parts.”

Who is right?

You are, but don’t waste your breath. Ya ain’t gonna win this one. Trust me. . . .

There was another thread like this a while ago, and I think the consensus was that you need to look at it in terms of calories.

You need about 3500 extra calories to gain a pound. A pound of milk chocolate has about 2,350 calories, so five pounds of M&M’s would have approximately 11,750 calories. Assuming none of these calories are expended you would gain about 3.36 pounds.