I’ve had a little difficulty even on “normal” hardness, or whatever the next step up from beginner is. I’ve eked out a win my last couple of games, though.
The first two turns I buy two scouts, and manually explore all the close star systems looking for the juicy planets. I set the flagship to auto-explore and auto-whatever causes it to check anomalies.
On the third turn I buy a colony ship. Sometimes I buy another on the fourth. That pretty much drains my seed money. I then set my colony to pump out more colony ships.
The key is to grab as many planets as possible early on. I try not to colonize two in the same system until I’m out of systems. That way I get my influence as large as possible. I usually end up with one or more of the other races sharing a system with me, but then I can start the influence war to take their planets.
I try to get a few constructors built early so I can take the resources. These can make a huge difference in the game.
At first I was having trouble because all the AI players hated me. I found out the key is to dump some research into diplomacy fairly early. The other key is military power. One bad thing about the game is that the AI only cares about how many ships you have (or total logistics for all your ships I think), not really how mean they are. This can be to your advantage, though. As soon as I have some good manufacturing worlds going I start pumping out a very basic fleet. I watch the military graph like a hawk trying to shoot to the top early. When you have decent diplomacy and a good military rating, the AIs want to be your friends.
Once I have a good ten to fifteen basic fighters and am hopefully the top military, I conquer any minor AIs in or close to my influence. Their planets are better than just about any of the others, and because they don’t colonize other systems, you should have them beat militarily. Conquering these very early in the game gives you a good boost.
After I’ve dealt with the minor AIs I move onto one or two of the major AIs. If I’m adjacent to the weakest one, I’ll take it as soon as possible. There just aren’t enough planets to go around, and you want to be the largest population from near the start.
In my last game I just kept at the military and never stopped once I started taking planets. This was an easy victory because if you concentrate on one tree of the offensive weapons branch you can get ships that overpower the AIs. I think they concentrate on a more even approach, so it’s easy to overtake them early.
In the game before that I stopped after conquering just the close minor AIs and two of the four major ones, and switched to trying for an influence victory. This didn’t work; it just lead to a huge military buildup. By the time I switched back to military conquest, I must have had 200 to 300 ships, and I was still slightly trailing the other big AI. My fleet max logistics was 36 by that time. I think I spent a good hour just reorganizing my fleets. It was fun when each turn had two or three battles, but it lasted a long time, and became a battle of attrition. Me and the AI went through three war-peace cycles as we’d battle each other down to almost no ships left, and then build back up, and then we’d do it all over again. I finally won because each cycle I’d take two or three of his systems, and I eventually had enough that I could out-build him.
My biggest mistake in my early games was to build myself into a cash-crunch. I would have so much manufacturing and research that I could only run at 50%. Now I usually end up with three or four of the economy bonus buildings on each of the big planets, and I dump of a lot of my research into economy tech. I also try to set up trade early, and put a lot of research into that branch too. One thing that’s helped is to only schedule one or two buildings at a time on any planet, so if I see I’m getting low on income I’ll start queuing up more economy buildings. If I have plenty of income I’ll do manufacturing or research.
I’ve had the best luck going with strictly offense on my ships. I don’t waste research points on the defensive branches. I usually pick one offensive tech (missiles) and try to get as far into that branch as possible until their ships start showing up with a lot of defense for it, then switch to an alternate (usually beam). Once I’ve caught up in that branch I’ll start researching both about equally and try to build both ships so their defense can’t be too outrageous.
This game is much more fun to play than MOO3. And I love the ship designer. I’ll probably spend more time than I should for the third weekend in a row playing this game.