More for small-time 25/50 players as opposed to professional, hard-playing gamblers:
There’s a New(?-To me @ least) game out called: The LCR Dice Game.
I was introduced to it a couple days after Christmas @ a family get together and since then, everyone I know that’s played really likes it.
Rules are easy & each round goes quickly.
Most people throw the chips that come with the game in the garbage & use either Quarters, Dollar Bills or Fins. The more people that play, the better.
For example: 8 people pony up three $5 bills. Each of the three dice in the game is marked with a C(enter Pot), an L(eft Player), an R(ight Player) & 3 Dots. The last person who has money in front of them wins the pot.
It’s become so popular at the bar, my regulars no longer play buck dice or liars’ poker. In fact, our Quick Draw (Keno Lottery) sales are lower since I brough a set in.
Has it been around a while or is it new to the NY area?
Ever play it? What stakes do you play?
I played LCR three or four years ago in AZ. We had a great time with it since even the younger kids could play.
My experience is that my non-gambling friends have fun with LCR, but my gambling friends hate it. There are a number of good points about LCR. For a freeze out type of game, everyone is involved up until the end; there’s no sitting around waiting for someone else to win. People learn it very quickly. Anyone can play. Lots of people can play. It’s easier to bring to the bar than a PS2.
Now, the bad points. There’s no strategy, which is what gamblers want. It’s sort of like having everyone put in $5 and then dealing seven stud face up. The drama of the final showdown is lessoned because of the lack of strategy. In other gambling situations, the final showdown between two players is where all the drama is, where the most pressured-packed decisions have to be made. In the LCR showdown situation, you roll the dice and see what happens. For strategy, my gambling friends play liars dice with ones as aces.