Game of Thrones 2.04 "Garden of Bones" 4/22 No Book Spoilers

Who says it’s a long line? My understanding is that it’s strictly a Jamie/Cersei thing, not a Lannister thing.

She is dragon-born. Humans are beneath her. It is her world.

Last season, didn’t Cersei tell Ned that the Lannisters kept their blood pure by bedding siblings for hundreds of years?

I don’t remember such a conversation, but it’s the Targaryens who have been practicing brother-sister marriage for centuries, like the Ptolemies of Egypt. If Cersei said that to Ned must have been using them as an example to justify her own behavior.

No, haven’t got the DVD to hand but i’msure she was talking about the Targaryens, who definitely did this a lot and were known for having a high percentage of nutjobs in consequence.

Dany is certainly human and likely less magical than Bran. I dont buy it.

As to the Targs ruling for 300 years, the Statistically ruled for 8,000. Surely the Targaryena are the real usurpers.

In any case the real answer is that the rightful ruler is one that can rule. As varys days, power resides where men believe e it resides, be it with dragons or armies or lineage.

I do have that episode (1.07) to hand, and the exact quote is:

Thanks for looking that up.

Who or what is Statistically?

I think she meant that before the Targaryens the ruling houses ruled their own kingdoms for thousands of years. Question: do people think Melisandre’s little display last episode automatically mean she is evil? I am having an argument on another board who see it as uncategorally evil no matter what.

I can’t see how giving birth to smoke-demon baby could possibly turn out to be a good thing. I’m not getting a lot of moral ambiguity from Melisandre so far. Id say evil is a pretty safe hypothesis.

How are they defining “evil”? “Not a nice person”?

She’s conniving and manipulative. Her agenda seems to be to put Stannis on the throne and thereby spread her religion. If Stannis wins and she starts burning non-believers, she’s still not evil – she’s just playing the game, doing what winners do.

I don’t think she wants power for its own sake – she has a mission. That doesn’t make her evil.

Yeah, the discussion is not really about her goals, just her methods. Basically they are claiming popping out that shadow thingie is inherently evil no matter what.

Ask them how what Melisandre did is different from what Dany did. The answer will be “Well, we like Dany. Plus, she’s young, blonde, and cute. Melly is older, with red hair, and you know what redhaired women are like.”

Dany also didn’t nurture a shadowed, fanged creature in her womb. Mel created that thing. Dany only figured out how to hatch eggs. It’s like the difference between Dr. Frankenstein and a chicken farmer.

Dany actually burned someone alive, Melisandre didn’t sacrifice anybody for her shadow baby.

Starks. I need to stop posting from my phone with auto-correct.

Burning non-believers is a pretty good definition of evil. It’s entirely possible to be a winner without being a murderous fanatic. Even in Westeros.

You should see some of the doozies I get posting from my bed on my Kindle.

Yeah but that bitch needed to go.

Why? because she neutralized a genocidal murderous rapist? because she killed a baby that was prophecized to literally “fuck the world”? Mirri maz durr was perfectly justified in what she did and in any other story she would be a martyr.