Game of Thrones 5.05 "Kill the Boy" 5/10/15 [Show Discussion]

Poor John Snow. Even Ramsay got a mother’s day talk from his dad.

I know Ramsay thinks his mother is dead but I don’t remember Roose saying so.

Continuing the mother’s day theme: Dany feeding her babies.

Maester Pycelle mentioned it in at one point in relation to the mad scientist Maester that Cersei favors.

Jorah and Tyrion on the beach was odd in terms of their location… but not terrible. Jorah grabbed Tyrion and carried him down the current out of the city and swam for the beach once clear.

I am glad to see Stannis actually being interested in the WW menace since showing up at the wall he’s been focused on the taking the North.

Dany marrying into Mereen hierarchy seems short sighted to the say the least.

Five slow episodes in a row. Yawn.

Theon and Ramsay have been very close, in a batshit insane way, for a long while now. Ramsay knows Theon well enough to notice that he was acting guilty/secretive.

Theon currently lacks the strength of character to do anything decisive.

…except that Maesters have to complete a years-long course of study to qualify. At the Citadel, in Oldtown, as was stated in the scene with Sam and Gilly.

Well, apart from the White Walkers, there’s also the Wights - a whole army of the undead. Remember them?

As I said upthread: Theon and Ramsay have been very close, in a batshit insane way, for a long while now. Ramsay knows Theon well enough to notice that he was acting guilty/secretive.

Well, yeah. The scene was supposed to be horribly awkward and uncomfortable.

Sansa has at least become smart enough to not blurt out information that may be important. [del]Brutus[/del] Edmure Tully is Sansa’s uncle, Catelyn’s brother, and still hostage to Walder Frey as far as we know.

I assume so too, though I have no idea when that’s likely to happen. Theon may yet find enough strength to do something worthwhile. I’m kind of hoping that he gets some kind of revenge on Ramsay.

I’d like to thank you for this post. I was just about to make a post grumbling about this episode expressing a number of negative sentiments because it was so slow.

But then I saw your post and realized you were almost certainly correct and I should just enjoy the Mad Men episode and wait until next week for more murder and mayhem on GOT.

Thanks again.


If you are in trouble climb to the tallest window in the broken tower and light a candle.

Was that the message from Brienne? Now I want to see Podrick running and shouting, “The beacon is lit, Sansa calls for aide!”

That was the first time we saw anyone take interest in that, although it’s important. “Hey, it’s possible to kill a White Walker and here’s how.” They should have people scouring the countryside for obsidian.

From the sounds of what Stannis was saying, obsidian isn’t particularly hard to come by. (Though maybe it’s harder to find north of the wall.)

It seems to me that the White Walkers can not move south until Winter comes. They are still up north waiting. It has not been stated explicitly but that seems to be what everyone in the show thinks.

Didn’t Sansa’s other uncle escape the Red Wedding also? I was thinking he stepped out for a piss right before the doors were locked.

In the first scene of the first episode, didn’t Ned and his family come across the aftermath of a White Walker attack, with dead bodies and a litter of direwolves? That seemed to be a sign that Winter is Coming.

No that was a dead direwolf killed by a stag or something. (Foreshadowing!)

I thought there were a bunch of human bodies scattered around. But I haven’t seen that episode since it aired.

Anyhow, it was interesting to see Dany propose marriage to that guy, given that his family is one of the prominent slave-trading families in Mereen.

And in the meeting at the Wall, one of the soldiers said of the dead Wildings, “Less enemies for us to kill” to which Stannis said under his breath, “Fewer.” I think he’d fit in well around here.

There were, but it wasn’t the Starks – it was the Night’s Watchmen who came across the bodies before being slaughtered (except for the one guy who escaped only to be subsequently captured and executed by Ned for desertion) by the White Walkers.

Yes, Sansa’s great-uncle—Catelyn’s uncle Brynden Tully (“the Blackfish”)—did step out and Roose Bolton believed he had escaped.

The citadel was also mentioned at a small council meeting in season 2(?), when the Maesters sent around the white ravens to warn everybody that the seasons had turned and winter is coming soon.

Oldtown was mentioned last episode as the destination of the ship that Bronn and Jamie were on.

I would guess that winter is **always **coming.

If winter ever actually arrives, this will be an entirely different story. I’d guess that is a story the writer and the TV production people are not willing or not interested in telling.

Just a guess. But winter will **always **be coming - for as long as this show is in production.