Game of Thrones: How Much Time Has Passed In The Show's Universe?

How much time do you reckon has passed since the events of the first episode of Season One until the final episode of Season Six?

Disregarding the fact that some of the actors have aged considerably (the young lady who plays Arya Stark has gone from a pre-adolescent to an adult woman), I’m guessing that maybe a couple of years have passed within the show’s universe.

Also, how long do you believe the voyage from Essos to Westeros takes?

Varys seemed to have gotten there and back in the matter of a few days. Similarly, it didn’t take Arya too awfully long to get there either. But then again, the show doesn’t show us long voyages.]

Not sure on the show, but for the books:

Most of the events of the first book/season take place in the year 298 AC. The death of the Night’s Watch in the very beginning is in the end of 297, and the birth of Dany’s dragons occurs in 299.

Most of the events of the second and third books/seasons take place in 299 AC - the Battle of the Blackwater, the Red Wedding, etc.

Joffrey’s wedding and death occurred on the 1st day of the year 300. All of the events in the books occur in the year 300 (or earlier), meaning that the books have generally taken place over the course of three years.

The TV show has passed up the books in some regards (or moved around chronology) but I’d guess around 3-4 years for the show.

It seems to be roughly one year per season. Evidence:

Season 1 - Robb is 17, having been borne during Robert’s Rebellion. The War of the Five Kings begins.
Season 2 - When Renly dies, it’s been 18 years since Robert’s Rebellion, so about a year has passed.
Season 3 - Talisa says that the War of the Five Kings has been raging for 2 years.
Season 4 - Littlefinger says that it has been 20 years since Robert’s Rebellion.

And so on. There are inconsistencies, but you can handwave a lot away. One year per season is a good general rule.

The distance from Dorne to Meereen is about 1,800 miles according to the maps and the average speed of a medieval cog is thought to have been around 5 knots, so that trip would take somewhere around two weeks. Braavos to Gulltown is only a few hundred miles and could probably be covered quite comfortably in a few days.

At least Maisie Williams still looks recognizably like her younger self. Conversely, the kid who plays Bran Stark appears to have aged from 10 to 26 in just a few years! :eek:

The different timelines move at different rates. It was disconcerting to see Varys seemingly teleport from Dorne to Meereen, but some time had passed in Meereen since his scene in Dorne.

As has been said, it should be a few days from Westeros to Pentos, and several weeks to Meereen.

You should completely disregard the apparent chronology. The events depicted happen very roughly during the same period but not simultaneously nor in the order shown. That’s true for all episodes. And even for different episodes. It might be that only some days passed in Braavos between the scenes shown in two successive episodes, while several months passed between the events happening, say, beyond the wall.

The proper order for the last episode, for instance, is probably something like :

1)Jaime at the Twins

…a couple weeks pass…

  1. the opening sequence in King’s landing

…one week or so passes…

3)Jaime returns and Cersei is crowned

…one month passes…

  1. The queen of thorns in Dorne

…some months pass… (and Varys return to Meeren along with the fleets from Dorne and Highgarden)

  1. Danaerys fleet sails
    You can’t know when the events in the North, Samwell scene or the murder of Lord Frey happen exactly in this timeline, even though you can make some educated guesses (for instance there’s no mention of the fall of Winterfell, let alone of a new king in the North in the exchange between Jaime and Lord Frey, and Lord Frey even gloats about the fate of house Stark, so presumably the battle from the previous episode is fairly recent at this point or maybe even didn’t yet happen).


At least the Dorne scene and the Jamie arrival scene are hard to see as happening at the same time. The Queen of Thorns is in mourning and has travelled to Dorne, but later, when Jamie returns to Kings Landing, the Great Sept of Balor is still smoking. Those two scenes are difficult to reconcile.

I think its an editing error/change.

Don’t forget Cersei’s still wearing the same outfit. I think it’s clear Cersei was crowned queen on the evening of the day she blew up the Great Sept. She must’ve made a snap decision to so after Tommen died (something she clearly didn’t plan on given she posted Mountainstein at his door). Olenna’s meeting with (Princess?) Ellaria and the Sand Snakes took place a few days to weeks later, then Varys sailed to Meereen and departed again this time with Daenerys and her court.

That sounds about right to me. Unless Varys took the Dorne-to-Meereen dragon shuttle…

I don’t know about the time line, but Cersei isn’t wearing the same outfit. The 2 do look very similar, though, very militaristic.

But I do think she planned to seize the throne. She may have posted the Mountain at his door, but once Myrcella was dead, Cersei knew that, ultimately, she couldn’t stop the witch’s prophesy from coming true.

Cersei’s new look courtesy of the Vader collection is not only a striking visual reflection of her new outlook on life (dress for the job you want, not the job you have), but I think the fact that we see her putting it on before Tommen does a Triple Lindy out the window is foreshadowing her knowledge that Tommen will be dead very soon no matter the precautions she takes.

We’re going to see Cersei wearing the same or similar outfits from here on. I don’t think her outfits indicate anything about the amount of time that has passed.

That said, her coronation takes place while the ruins of the Sept of Baelor are still smoking (as seen by Jaime as he enters the city). I don’t think it’s the same day, but within a few days.

I just watched a Downton Abbey episode where they change clothes like 5 times over the course of a single day, so if Lady Mary can do it, so can Cersei.

Explain the Dorne scene then.

The Dorne scene happened much later despite being shown earlier. Once again, this is common in this show. The order of the scenes and the timelines of different characters don’t follow the real chronological sequence of events.

Yeah, it’s non-linear storytelling, like in Pulp Fiction or Memento; it structures the drama, improves the experience and adds plenty of talking points for, well, all of us.