
This doesn’t seem to have cropped up on the board as of yet, but this is highly pit-worthy.

If you work as a video-game “journalist”, don’t use nerd as an insult. Don’t insult video-games or gamers. Don’t say “video-games are dead”. Don’t call your readership “fat”, “smelly”, “scum”, or, of course, nerds.

I honestly find it baffling that supposedly professional journalists need this explaining to them.

While we’re at it, just to be ambitious, perhaps you could try not creating a climate of fear wherein it becomes unsuprising to see people using throwaway accounts to act as whistle-blowers because even the slightest deviation from the party line will get them fired.

Perhaps try not creating a tangled skein of corrupt financial and sexual ties between your “journalists” and game developers and other people they cover.

And obviously Zoe Quinn, who started it all by cheating on her boyfriend and causing him to release information on all this to the public.


  1. Slept with her boss;
  2. Slept with a member of a board of judges which gave her (by all accounts awful) game an award;
  3. Slept with a journalist who recommended her game;
  4. Slept with at least a couple of other industry figures
  5. Sabotaged a project called “Women in Gaming” by accusing them of being “oppressive”, allegedly got them kicked off twitter, "accidentally DDoS"ed them and generally persecuted them;
  6. Leant on her friends in the media to stop them getting coverage for Women in Gaming;
  7. Sabotaged a Game Jam so she could run a replacement, for which she then solicited donations to her personal paypal account, she still claims to be working on it;
  8. Got her friends in the media to plug her Game Jam on the day of its announcement;
  9. Sexually harrassed someone, who was then bullied into silence by one of her sidekicks;
  10. Repeatedly begged on the internet by claiming financial hardship, including a fake mugging;
  11. Got her game on steam by faking persecution of herself by a group called Wizard Chan, persecution which took the form of two posts posted to the Chan by one of her known associates, ironic given that her game is called Depression Quest and is about living with depression, while Wizard Chan is a place for the depressed (she also banned people with depression who criticised it from post on the game’s homepage);
  12. Took donations from journalists;
  13. Used a false DMCA notification to take down the first video posted to youtube over the controversy;
  14. Leant on her friends in the media to silence discussion of this blossoming scandal, including the largest ever mass-deletion on reddit;
  15. Claimed naked pictures of her on the internet were oppressing her, although she had posed for them knowing they would be published;
    and various other things, she is truly a nasty piece of work.

The fallout from these revelations was that other journalists were also outed, one who had plugged a game made by a woman she was living with, for example. The various gaming sites involved all investigated themselves and decided themselves had done nothing wrong, but one banned journos from donating to devs the cover, which was denounced as “misogynist” by some of the people who had been benefiting from it.

And that, of course, is where the bizarre abuse I am pitting came from, people who were resentful at being found out and were petulantly lashing out at the public who had discovered their misconduct.

There is one piece of good news, though: 4chan, which one journo denounced as a “cathedral of misogyny” raised over $9000 for the Women in Gaming project that Zoe Quinn had sabotaged. And then another $30000.

Do you have any backing for these assertions? I don’t know–and to be honest don’t much care–about this story, but a quick google has most stories coming down on Zoe Quinn’s side.

Whether or not Zoe Quinn is a fine example of a human being, she didn’t “start it all” by cheating on her boyfriend – her boyfriend started it by releasing a bunch of private information (in addition to professional criticisms which don’t really fall under “private information”). Criticizing and attacking a woman for having sex with various people is classic misogyny, whether or not there are additional criticisms that are legitimate.

Oh dear GOD, please stop using ‘gate’ to denote a scandal.

Watergate was over 40 years ago and was the name of a hotel. It was not a scandal involving water.

The story sounds like a gigantically tangled mess with a lot of people lashing out, making extreme statements, and bashing each other. I haven’t followed this closely at all. Based on my limited experience with blindboyard, I assume he’s full of shit in general.

She’s a woman. Of course the OP hates her.

I’m not familiar with Zoe Quinn, but based on what I know about the OP, I’m assuming she’s probably a pretty decent person.

She sounds ambitious.

Heh, my reaction exactly. “Hmm. A post on gamergate, how yawn. It’s so on the nose to slam gamers for their rampant miso… oh, it’s one of boyard’s, nevermind. 10:1 he’s gonna be vile and shitty like the little /Redpill drone he is.”

It’s good when the world is safe and predictable, neh ?

How 'bout Geeks? Geeks is still ok, right?

Age of the Geek, baby!

So…this isn’t about The President ordering a break-in at the offices of the Giant Fire-Breathing Turtle?

A couple less misogynistic takes on the issue. Basically, consider what the OP has to say, and then, to find reality, flip it 180 degrees.

Zoe Quinn is friend to all children!

Nerd raeg alert!

Do either of you have links to anything that rebuts the specific claims as listed by blindboyard? I looked at the forbes article and the independent and they seemed more opinionated than strictly factual. Knowyourmeme has a pretty thorough repository of screenshots of chatlogs and tweets and whathaveyou for most of the things on his list. I don’t know enough to judge the veracity of the evidence but if she truly has issued DMCA notices under false pretences and faked doxxing and hacking attacks, then I think she does have something to answer for.

And Phil Fish being her twitter white knight doesn’t exactly impress me either.

I’d say the first step is to get some links that debut the claims before we try to rebut them. I mean, we can set aside #1 through #4 as None of Our Goddamned Business, and it looks like #9 has as its entire chain of evidence a single tweet without details, but maybe some of the other claims can be debated.

So the major issue (listed as #1-4) is that she slept with people who weren’t her boyfriend…her sleazy boyfriend who has tried to stir up all the wrath against her. I think that says all we need to know about this ‘gate’.

I don’t, since like I said I’m not very familiar with the issue. However since it was posted by blindboyard I’m going to assume it’s mostly bullshit woman-hating.

Like I said, Knowyourmeme has a whole bunch of screencaps alleging the various charges.

My perspective on the issue is that Zoe Quinn is a jerk for cheating on her boyfriend, her boyfriend is an uberjerk for going on a public smear campaign, and regardless of jerkitude nobody should have cared about some random Z-list game developer’s sex life.