Anybody here use Garage Band on a Mac? Right now my band is plodding through using Magix Pro Audio 7* on a PC. I will be getting a Mac pretty soon and I understand that Graage Band is included with OS X Tiger.
Is it worth a damn? It would be cool not to have to buy another program.
In my opinion, garageband is great, completely outside of the fact that it’s free with the purchase of a new apple computer (or unrelated purchase of the ilife suite). The software seems pretty flexible, but is pretty good at masking it’s complexity behind menus and a nice user-interface. Then again, that is an apple-thing, so i guess you’d probably expect it. Since it sounds like you already have experience in this sort, i imagine jumping into the new software would be pretty easy. Good luck.
What do you use it for? We are in a progressive metal band, and we devote about four tracks to drums, 9 to guitar, then 2 or three to bass and a few more for synth. Not to mention voice and stuff.
We generally chop up pieces of stuff and allign them digitally intead of recording the entire track at once.
That would probably be fine, although I haven’t tried to do anything like that on it. I’ve mostly used it for electronic music, and it’s pretty limited for that.
I’ve been dicking with it for a few weeks. Just upgrading to the new iLife '06. I vote No Suck. I started with digital music very early on and even though it’s simplistic, I prefer it to the last version of Cakewalk I used.
I have it on my new iMac but have no clue what to do with it. I don’t play any instruments, aside from the five years of violin lessons I endured as a child…