Garry Shandling dead at age 66

I’m just STUNNED someone mentioned this; it was the first thing I thought with Garry Shandling’s Show. I think I did see a clip of it on Utube recently. Where he had to adjust the black dot when he fell down (or he passed out)? onto the floor.

RIP Garry

I remember that just after that scene, he said something like “Thank goodness I remembered to wear my dot!”

He’s not someone I’ve thought of often over the years, but when I saw this thread title, I went back to old memories of Garry Shandling’s Show and felt sad.

I remember watching The Garry Shandling Show as a kid with my dad. I was too young to get most of it, but I still enjoyed it.

Larry Sanders was a great show. I mainly remember like 4 or 5 straight times I turned it on, it was the same episode: the one where Hank’s contract is up and he’s very ineptly attempting to BS his way into a better deal. It was still funny every time.

The adjustment is what made it so memorable! Now I gotta go see if this episode is on the internet somewhere.

Gary Shandling will appear as the corrupt senator again in Captain America: Civil War.

I, too, love that theme song.

From the first time I saw him: “I’m great in bed! I hardly ever fall out.”

Oh, he was so funny. RIP Garry.


He’s not listed in the credits, and given the disposition of the character at the end of Winter Soldier, it seems unlikely he’d return to any position of authority.


The theme to Garry Shandling’s show.

I forgot how great it was. There are episodes available on Youtube, also.


Before? He was born in 1949. All us Baby Boomers are doomed.

Ditto to what everybody’s saying here, including wishing he had done more shows. Maybe, a la Tom Lehrer, he thought that Hollywood had gone beyond satire.


what? de-testicle?
Shandling was great in that hydraulic wheelchair thing in “Tom Goes to the Mayor”

Count me in as another person who watched It’s Garry Shandling’s Show with my parents when I was way too young (it came to Fox when I was 9).

I have no idea how appropriate or inappropriate it was for someone my age. I do remember it being hilarious. I haven’t watched it since it went off the air, and never watched Larry Sanders but I still think of the Garry Shandling’s Show theme song all the time!

Too bad, he seemed like a great figure in the comedy world.

I remember reruns of It’s Garry Shandling’s Show ran at midnight in the early to mid 90s-- perhaps on Lifetime or FOX. Watching it was my bedtime ritual the whole summer. RIP Garry.

I dunno, Bucky seemed to bounce back pretty good after the end of Captain America…

Eh, Siri. She don’t know gem from gym from Jim.

A favorite meta moment from IGSS was when his girlfriend decided to speed ahead by moving his clock ahead several hours, causing him to miss a cross stitch class with special guest star Magic Johnson (who never guest starred because of her messing with time).

He waited a few hours too long to get to the ER. Reminds me of David Letterman, he got lucky and had gone in for a routine cardiology test. They rushed him into surgery for a quintuple bypass a few hours later. He was a prime candidate for a massive heart attack at any time.

This sucks. I loved his standup work and It’s Garry Shandling’s Show. I liked Larry Sanders when I watched it but I never got the chance to really follow it.

That’s a real shame. I liked him in What Planet Are You From?

Rest in peace, Garry.

I watched It’s Garry Shandling’s Show when it was on FOX and always enjoyed the fourth-wall-breaking aspects. I always meant to check out Larry Sanders but never did. I need to fix that.

RIP Garry.

You really should, it was great. As Seinfeld said when he interviewed Shandling, it kind of originated that “air about it”. Just the dialogue and character interaction. Kind of like what The Office did but without the mockumentary aspect.

Boy that Comedians in Cars interview is getting linked to like crazy. Death was definitely on both their minds during it so I guess they both knew it was coming. Looked like Shandling had made peace with it.

Another favorite moment from IGSS: Garry and Rob Reiner reenacting the train track scene from Stand By Me (Reiner’s hit movie which was then current) but on an indoor track.