Gary Busey endorses Donald Trump

Foreign policy:

Bringing United States Eagle to Yemen!

May not make sense diplomatically but it works as an acronym and that’s really more important.

W Would GBD?


W Wouldn’t GBD?

I guess it doesn’t matter.

Has anyone ever seen Starving Artist and Gary Busey in the same room together?
I’m just sayin’

Not enough flat out crazy. Where’s the scenery chewing?

I’m not endorsing any candidate until I see who the Olsen Twins support. They’ve been the secret kingmakers since Clinton.

I still can’t decide whether I love Gary or pity him. Mostly I think I love him because he’s happy. He’s good with it. He’s enjoying being the genuinely unique soul that he is.

He’s got the show teeth in, not the grinders.

No, they’re carried on litters among us.

Just another reason why we need universal health care!

CMC fnord!
Wait, you did mean this kind of litter, not this kind, right?

Why wont GBD?

This kind.

:dubious: Or torporing in the burned and scared husk he’s become.


Yes, the right forum but perhaps the better topic would be “Stupid Republican Idea Of the Day”?