Gary Johnson at double digits in first three way poll

Gary Johnson is going to have a hard enough time winning the LP nomination if Jesse Ventura follows through on what he has said and attempts to get their nomination at the convention. If Ventura wins the nomination and makes the debate threshold, it will be the best thing to ever happen in American politics.

Every debate would be two clowns and Hillary. I could live with that.

I imagine we’ll see someone get hit upside the head with a chair. Ought to be entertaining.

…and then Jesse Ventura will do something outrageous…

One more bit of heartburn for the GOP would be that Johnson could easily get enough votes to greatly ease the LP’s ballot-access hurdles for the next couple of election cycles (since most states use “you automatically get on the ballot if your party got X% of the vote recently” as a legally-acceptable proxy for “the Democrats and Republicans automatically get on the ballot; everybody else has to jump through hoops”).

Harry Truman was elected with 49% of the popular vote in 1948
Kennedy got 49.7% in 1960
Nixon (1968) received 43.4%
Clinton got 43% in 1992 and 49% in 1996
Bush got 47.8% in 2000

“Mandates” are overrated.

Anyone else think it’s weird that the article doesn’t actually give the numbers for the other candidates in that poll?

Here’s a link to the actual poll results, and here’s the relevant part about the three-way-race:

Gary Johnson? Isn’t he usually the “none of the above” candidate?

lol One of my favorite movies. :slight_smile:

don’t forget tho, in every single one of those cases except 2000, the winner did have the highest number of votes, more than anyone else did. Bush in 2000 did not, and joined only 3 other election winners in American history.

I know Republicans try to equate winning a plurality with winning less than a plurality, but its not the same. Ever.

He, like all the other Libtertarians, was right between the Democrats and Republicans when I did that test on So I think he was actually a good choice to put on as the None Of The Above candidate, so he might hold on to more people than, say, a Green party candidate would

I was a big fan of Ventura back when he was governor of Minnesota, and he is also qualified on paper, but the conspiracy theorist aspect makes him look like a crank. Johnson is a lot more seasoned. Plus Johnson is an actual libertarian, whereas Ventura has only ever run under the Reform Party, which is more associated with Buchanan and Trump.

Deez Nuts got 10% in a poll.

The more you and SlackerInc post this sort of nonsense, the more likely it’ll be that young voters will stay home and TRUMP will be President.

Don’t be silly. Perot pretended to care about American workers at least.

Support legalized abortion and gay marriage =/= “moderate”.

TRUMP is far more moderate then Johnson on the issues that matter: