We are looking into converting our old wood burning fireplace into a gas one and I’d like any of your opinions.
How difficult was the conversion?
Vented or unvented?
What is your opinion on it overall?
We are looking into converting our old wood burning fireplace into a gas one and I’d like any of your opinions.
How difficult was the conversion?
Vented or unvented?
What is your opinion on it overall?
Go vented, and if you are converting a existing fireplace it will be vented.
Ventless gas just dump the products of combustion into the room, some people, including me, can feel the effects of that which may just be slightly depleted oxygen levels and increased CO2.
I found out the hard way that an unvented fireplace/store will dump about a pint of moisture into the atmosphere each day. Keeps thinks kind of damp. it does.
Building codes around here require a gas fireplace be vented.